Dual 44 Mikuni observations


Race Gas Rules
Clearwater Fl.
I am also running a riva intake mani and spacer plate with CF reeds (on OEM cages)
Take off the spacer plate, (get new shorter screws) and I agree with WAX, get some 33cc domes and better yet :cool2: get a more agressive CDI (Wax's or Advent if you want to keep charging system) or go to MSD-TL.


wannabe backflipper
gold coast
Yes the dry pipe loves alot of advance down low and then to remove it up top
the only way to do this is with a digital ignition
This will make it hit alot harder down low


New York Crew
Western New York
waxhead said:
ah there is your problem
i am pretty sure the clymer manual is wrong and has the tabs on the inside

damn it!!

here is my carb set up too - before I blew the rear seal...

motor: adrenaline racing ported 62t 701cc cylinder on 62t cases with 64x t'd and w'd crank and new OEM pistons, ada head (currently with 37cc domes but 33cc's on the way), FPP Type 4 Dry Pipe, Pro-Tec modded CDI,

Carbs: 44mm Mikuni red tops with V-force delta 1 reeds, on Riva intake and spacer

2.5 n/s
shiney silver spring
psi kept popping at ~22psi


wannabe backflipper
gold coast
A dry pipe like a higher pop off
i run my 48 novis around that figure
i would expect your carburation to be very close with your setup


New York Crew
Western New York
waxhead said:
A dry pipe like a higher pop off
i run my 48 novis around that figure
i would expect your carburation to be very close with your setup

Solid! Thanks bro... now I just need to install some new crank seals and try it again. I think the new 33cc domes will make a huge difference on my lack of bottom end... especially when I found my 37's were only giving me 150 psi/cyl.

Thanks again... :biggthumpup:


( o Y o )
TXJFrosty said:
Solid! Thanks bro... now I just need to install some new crank seals and try it again. I think the new 33cc domes will make a huge difference on my lack of bottom end... especially when I found my 37's were only giving me 150 psi/cyl.

Thanks again... :biggthumpup:
water injection will help a lot too, it will make a big diff. on the type 4 from my experience.


Grand Rapids, MI
Well folks, I think I've got it now!!!
It idles smoothly, hits well, and is smooth all the way through the throttle.
Filling in that crossover made a TREMENDOUS difference!
I am now at 115/100/2.3/65g.
Both low and hight screws are 1 turn.

F I N A L L Y :Banane01: :Banane01: :Banane01: :arms: :cheer:

I have to give HUGE thanks to Waxhead, Supertune, and JrMagoos.
I would be kayaking now if it wasn't for those guys! :cool2:


Now all I have to do is find a way to get 40 lbs out of my hull... :banghead:


So long and thanks for all the fish
My jets are bigger than your's...na na na na na

freestylegeek said:
Well folks, I think I've got it now!!!
It idles smoothly, hits well, and is smooth all the way through the throttle.
Filling in that crossover made a TREMENDOUS difference!
I am now at 115/100/2.3/65g.
Both low and hight screws are 1 turn.

F I N A L L Y :Banane01: :Banane01: :Banane01: :arms: :cheer:

I have to give HUGE thanks to Waxhead, Supertune, and JrMagoos.
I would be kayaking now if it wasn't for those guys! :cool2:


Now all I have to do is find a way to get 40 lbs out of my hull... :banghead:


Katie's Boss
100% one place
waxhead said:
pull the 125 high down to about 105
increase the low to a 120
I believe you are way to high on the pop off

Rejetted last night I have a good clean pop at 14-15 on gauge will try the set up tonight. Have to keep this thread going.



wannabe backflipper
gold coast
tuff mark
you may find you have to go up to about 17
i know it doesnt sound much but its all about percentages
when you are talking about only 15psi then 2 points is a big %

but you should try it first
what are your jet sizes ??


Katie's Boss
100% one place
waxhead said:
tuff mark
you may find you have to go up to about 17
i know it doesnt sound much but its all about percentages
when you are talking about only 15psi then 2 points is a big %

but you should try it first
what are your jet sizes ??

105 m and 120 P 2.3 N/S with 80 gram. I was thinking I may need to go up on pop also my 95 gram should put me up to 17 psi.
Thanks for all your help Wax! :biggthumpup:



Katie's Boss
100% one place

waxhead said:
Your welcome of course
1 turn out top and bottom
yeah i would go for the 95 myself

Let us know how you get on

Pulling the carbs is nothing but a 5 minute job now and my 12 year old can do it in 7.



Katie's Boss
100% one place
The ski ran quite well last night. I had no hesitation but it seemed to bog just off idle. A couple times it bogged and fell on its face in the no wake zone. I am thinking I need to up the pop to 17 remember right now it is at 14-15 psi. I have a 120 P 105 M and a 2.3N/S with 80 gram. This has been a great improvement.



Katie's Boss
100% one place

waxhead said:
you can do that
It will help
Good to know its working for you

I will raise the pop then repost. Thanks for bringing my sanity back Wax.

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