East Coast Tropical Wave Alert


Carajo,gringos apestosos
I'm in Brevard and theres still water in the street but not near the house anymore.

Some neighborhoods got it bad, like mine, and some are back in business. Funny thing is, even with all this rain these past 5 days, Lake Okeechobee is still in a deficit.


I have been outside today…water damage…need a new roof and then some…lovely!!!


I want you to know that I wasn’t yelling at you AT ALL (if it seemed that way, not sure), or addressing my last post to you specifically (although you did pose the question to me, thereby I addressed it back to you); I am simply PASSIONATE about helping others…something I know a bit about (to say the VERY least). Also, I am rather opinionated on things if you (or anyone) happened to fail to notice, lol!
In general to all, this detailed reading is on facts not known/disclosed during Katrina. It deals only with limited types of contamination due to flooding (so if you know anyone, pass the word). Starting with the very last sentence on page 32 is informative (particularly the caption relative to homeowner do it yourself repairs, a few pages down):

Nor Cal
okay all. have an apple handy. You all will feel better LOL:439: easy there. Yes suz i get it now. WOW you are right about our guys and few gals (breath deeply) see ya soon. wine when you get here ;0:bananalama:


okay all. have an apple handy. You all will feel better LOL:439: easy there. Yes suz i get it now. WOW you are right about our guys and few gals (breath deeply) see ya soon. wine when you get here ;0:bananalama:

LOL, yeah...we're all (some of us anyway) a vocal, passionate group indeed, but good peps and ALWAYS have a blast in the surf...FOR SURE!! No worries, if you don't hang here, it must look pretty bizarre the way communications can go (especially in the midst of a disaster...happened every storm I went on FOR SURE:swordfight::grouphug:)!

And thought YOU were goin to Pismo :drive:, or was this all just such an entertaining/interesting read for all that :thinkerg:you're on the cell phone?
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Yikes, I can't imagine how much rain some places are getting. We got around 12" here a couple of years ago and tons of places plus the Ohio River flooded. They're talking over 30" in places.


:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:Tornado Ringtones!!!:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

Now THAT was funny!

I used that site some too (thx, I had bookmarked it way back when you posted it in some other thread, but now I've lost everything somehow).


No I'm not in Bama & thank you, but I can watch the news & figure out if I'm in harms way.

Your more than welcome. I wish more people were capable of that...I really do.

This is interesting:

Detection and Measurement of Rain at Sea
In order to measure rain at sea, scientists at the University of Washington’s Applied Physics Laboratory designed and built Acoustic Rain Gauges (ARGs). The ARG consists of a hydrophone (underwater microphone), some electronic circuitry, a low-power sampling computer, and a battery package designed to operate the ARG without servicing for up to a year. The ARG is attached to a mooring line, and can be placed at any depth in the ocean, although practically the depth is limited by the crushing strength of the instrument case. Every few minutes the ARG "wakes up" and evaluates and records the underwater sound field. Currently, the ARG design is autonomous from the surface float, and the recovery of data awaits recovery of the mooring. In the future, real-time transmission of the data will be needed to provide useful data for weather forecasting.
When listening for rain in the ocean, the first step is to identify the sound as rain. There are lots of other sounds underwater, including the sounds of waves breaking, man-made sounds and biological sounds. Biological and man-made sounds are sometimes very loud and, if they contain frequency components that overlap the rain-generated sound, then they can prevent acoustical measurement of rain. These noises are usually intermittent or geographically localized. Some locations where persistent "noise" is present includes harbors (shipping and industrial activity) and snapping shrimp colonies. Snapping shrimp are from a family of shrimp species that make very loud "snaps" and that inhabit shallow tropical waters. Fortunately, the frequency content of most sounds is unique to their sources, and can be used to identify the sources, including rain, drizzle, and whitecaps. Some examples of oceanic sound spectra are shown in the graph below.

Acoustic Rain Gauge (ARG). This instrument is designed to be clamped onto an oceanic mooring and will record the underwater sound for one year.

Most of the time it is not raining and no man-made or biological noises are present. When this is true, the sound is from the whitecaps generated by wind and can be used to quantitatively measure wind speed (Vagle et al. 1990) as the number of whitecaps is proportional to wind speed. The shape of the sound spectrum generated by breaking waves is controlled by the distribution of bubble sizes generated by the breaking wave (Medwin and Beaky 1989). An interesting feature of the wind-generated signal is an apparent limit to the loudness of the sound at higher frequencies. This is due to quiet adult bubbles absorbing the higher frequency sound levels (Farmer and Lemon 1984). Because of their smaller size, bubbles that absorb high-frequency sound stay in the water longer and can form effective layers of sound-absorbing bubbles.

The graph at left shows examples of underwater sound spectra recorded from an oceanic mooring in the South China Sea. The sound spectra from wind-only conditions (green) show a uniform shape and a sound level which is proportional to wind speed. The sound of drizzle (light blue) shows the characteristic peak associated with the sound generation mechanism of the small raindrops. The sound of heavy rain (dark blue) is louder and includes lower frequencies. The sound of extreme rain includes sound generated by very large raindrops and is very loud. It also shows the effect of "quiet adult bubbles." Two spectra from extreme rain (200 mm/hr) are shown. The first (dark blue) shows extremely high sound levels at all frequencies. The second (burgundy) shows relatively lower sound levels above 10 kHz. This spectrum was recorded five minutes after the first, and yet the rainfall rate was still the same. A layer of bubbles had been injected into the sea surface. New "rain sound" has to pass through the bubble layer to reach the ARG sensor, and is partially absorbed by the bubbles. Since smaller bubbles (higher resonance frequency) are less buoyant than larger bubbles, they stay in the water longer and thus this bubble effect is most noticeable at higher frequencies.
Using the graph above, the differences between wind-only and rain-generated spectra often appear to be subtle. However, by presenting the data in a different manner (below), acoustic identification of different weather conditions becomes apparent. The sound of rain and drizzle contains relatively more high frequency sound than the sound from wind-only conditions. Furthermore, rain is much louder. Even drizzle, under low wind speed conditions, has sound levels which can be orders of magnitude louder than wind-only conditions. The characteristic sound of drizzle, the 13-25 kHz peak, is sensitive to wind and has not been detected when the local wind speed is more than 8-10 m/s. On the other hand, the sound from heavy rain is very robust and can be detected even in very high wind speed conditions (over 20 m/s) (Nystuen and Farmer 1989). Extreme rain (over 100 mm/hr) is even louder, and can generate an ambient bubble layer that will distort the recorded sound spectrum.

An example of the acoustic interpretation of the underwater sound field is shown below. During this three-day period a strong atmospheric front passed over the location of an ARG. When it was not raining, the acoustic estimate of wind speed matched a nearby mechanical anemometer to within +/- 1 m/s (very good agreement). Because rain is so loud underwater, acoustical wind speed measurements are only possible when is not raining. During the peak of the storm, heavy rain was detected. This acoustic observation was ’confirmed” by near-surface (1 meter depth) salinity measurements. Similar records of acoustic measurement of rainfall have been obtained from ARGs on drifting buoys (Nystuen and Selsor) and from an oceanic mooring in the South China Sea.

Acoustic weather classification uses features of the underwater sound spectrum to identify the sound source: wind (green), drizzle (light blue), rain (medium blue), extreme rain (dark blue) and to detect ambient bubbles.


Got a call from family today, as the eye went over Jacksonville, it was beatifull and sunny out.

That's good news! My real father lives in Mandarin on Julington Creek. His power was out, so he couldn't watch tele. Luckily he had a battery operated radio, but he didn't have it on. I'm thinking it must be because of how the bands spread. Some times it was sunny here today, and other times it was not. Radar showed the bands spread far apart, so makes sense...like some places got hit hard when others did not. A very deceiving storm. I made him take the dog and go hide in the bathroom, lol. :soapbox:

I'll get back with you on that card, but I will have to play catch up for a bit first if that's ok.
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I think you underestimate the intelligence of the people on this board. Or maybe you just want to get your post count up so that you can get the cool stuff from the catalog.

I'm not sure why you think that. That is astounding to me! I really wasn't trying to be smart with you by attaching that stuff, and I was concerned you might think that. Perhaps you did. I was reading it because of something Idok posted about the water level in one lake. It came up when I googled something.
See, I told Idok a long time ago, that some of his posts are pretty interesting thought wise. Kinda like Shonuffs are to me. They just think in a certain way, but different, imo.

I go off and on the boards for periods at a time. I don't know you other than seeing you at Tona this year briefly, but hopefully when we are at meets in the future, you might possible think differently if you get to know me.

It's a pretty hard thing to hear after doing it for so long to mobilize men and equipment in time...not evening mentioning the job and things.


I’m addressing this SUPER long post (run-on sentences and all) to Moondance with genuine feelings, since her words about a “post count” were the last I heard as I tried to fall asleep (which as known, I have had little of this week); yet if any of it is relative to anyone else in general or specifically, perhaps it is a good thing. I’m posting it publicly, only because she chose to publicly and seriously attack my character for some unknown reason (and my sincere hope is my return post will benefit this site somehow in the future).

The very first post you ever made to me was soon after I first signed onto this site two years ago, and it wasn’t a nice welcome, I must add. Nick (I had not met him then) of course said something rude to me (as is no secret can be his way with people, when so inclined), and you (the first female to post to me) followed in rapid pursuit (as I have also witnessed you doing with others ever since). It seems to definitely be a pattern of yours (as well as an extremely small group of others…maybe four+/- overall, yet extremely vocal) in general. Hence the “flash mob” post I made about everyone attacking Mike in this thread at the beginning, and then myself later when I vocalize my opinion of it overall. People should have sent a pm to him if they had personal issue. Moreover, it could have ended quickly, if no one had chimed in after my initial reply to Mike (and you all knew it, is what is really sad).

Yes, I discovered a day or so ago what prompted all of this chatter in this thread…that older “Hurricane’s Coming” (whatever it was titled) thread and read it all somehow, disappointingly amazing was the content again, yet still quite amused over authoritative sounding “hurricane” forecasting with mere surf reports and local news! Still, I do not fault the effort one little bit, only what happened later in it (along with some of the graphic, inappropriate text…I’m not quite sure how you stomached it if you read or posted in it, I only assume you did, I don’t recall). I’ve already stated my opinion in various manners in this thread with regards to egos (ALL egos), and that will never change.

I don’t mean this in a nasty way, but it is my opinion that you are not very happy with yourself in general Moondance. There is not anything I can do to change that for you, although I would if I could. I hope this long post will help you, as well as others. Something like that has to come from within you understand, and only you.

Still interesting to me is the idea you seem to have, that a high post count could be interpreted as something positive or desirable. I’m just not quite sure what the point would be actually. My post count is extremely low when compared to yours and many other people, easy enough to see (although I do win with characters, no doubt, and probably always will).

If you had any idea what all it took from me both physically and emotionally to call the storm step by step ahead of what was being released on television/radio and even the internet, no matter what your personal issues, I still don’t think you would have said what you did to me directly last night; then again, I could be wrong, and wouldn’t be surprised if I am. If you had ever once been a first responder, you definitely would never have said such a thing, that much I do know without a doubt. Perhaps that is what you should do now, come help some of us, for it will benefit you greatly from within your heart (better yet, maybe help someone you don’t know). Don’t attack people when they have suffered damage, ask or go and seek to discover if there is anything you can do to assist them instead. I am hoping that is what Idok is doing with Cracker if in need, only because I think I saw a post last night saying he is down there. The second set of still shots are plentiful, but of course nowhere near an example of the vast sporadic flooding and damage…fortunately there were minimal deaths, seven reported thus far:

It is apparent to me there is not much I can say to you to cause you to have a better disposition towards life in general, so I really don’t feel it is productive for me to continue to even attempt so after this public post, sadly enough again. Hopefully things become better for you personally, and I mean this in all sincerity. It would benefit many people on this site to go and offer help to others, in my opinion.

Just so that you know, I now have asthma and interstitial lung disease, no doubt from exposure to contaminates over the past decade (smoking hurts ten-fold of course, yet if you ever did as I have (just even once), you might smoke as well…go ask JoeB about it all, for he might be willing to tell you about it, as perhaps others on here could, then again, maybe not). Understand, this is one of many reasons why I feel driven to warn people of impending danger way ahead of time during the hurricane seasons. It simply is my way, and probably pretty understandable to most, although obviously not you.

Pertaining to this thread sadly (as stated prior in many creative ways for emphasis), what agitated me was that posts were being made inside this thread from the vey beginning which were not relative to safety. There NEVER should have been so many posts inside this thread! It was counter productive, and not helpful to those in danger. My idea from that point forward (for the next storm) was to contact Superjett when that time comes (and it may be soon) and offer a few links which could be made a sticky, or better yet, be put on the homepage when needed. In that manner, people can go to the most important links without weeding through useless chatter. Still, perhaps the few select people that induced such forced chatter will change their way now. My preference, and less work on me, is to have nothing but data links with very few comments inside any of the posts other than predictions or facts, because I know this will benefit people the best; when information is needed, it is more times than not needed rather quickly!

Read this Moondance. I broke this mirror a long time ago in my life, perhaps you should consider the thought yourself (no offense to any males because I can promise you I won’t hold a mirror up for a female either, except for in this instance, or to myself in retrospect of course):

Women have served all these centuries as looking glasses possessing the magic and delicious power of reflecting the figure of man at twice its natural size. Without that power probably the earth would still be swamp and jungle. The glories of all our wars would be unknown. We should still be scratching the outlines of deer on the remains of mutton bones and bartering flints for sheepskins or whatever simple ornament took our unsophisticated taste. Supermen and Fingers of Destiny would never have existed. The Czar and the Kaiser would never have worn their crowns or lost them. Whatever may be their use in civilized societies, mirrors are essential to all violent and heroic action. That is why Napoleon and Mussolini both insist so emphatically upon the inferiority of women, for if they were not inferior, they would cease to enlarge. That serves to explain in part the necessity that women so often are to men. And it serves to explain how restless they are under women's criticism; how impossible it is for women to say to them this book is bad, this picture is feeble, or whatever it may be....). For if women begin to tell the truth, the figure in the looking-glass shrinks, his fitness for life is diminished. How is he to go on giving judgment, civilizing natives, making laws, writing books dressing up and speechifying at banquets, unless he can see himself at breakfast and at dinner at least twice the size he really is? A Room of One's Own, p.35-36, Virginia Woolf, 1929.

(never be a pawn to anyone, if you choose to hold a mirror for anyone, do it out of love and not self-gratifying purposes.)

And here is a clip from a first responder I ran across when searching for safety data, but it will never come close to giving you an idea of what you will encounter if you do indeed decide to go help others as I have suggested (I could add much more graphic details and emotions, but I wont…as stated, I don’t really like to think about it or discuss it…still, it sounds just like me…almost identical with even jargon usage, so it caught my attention):

“For one thing, FEMA's little penny counters are haggling with Long Beach Mayor Billy Skellie about paying for the overtime that the fire and police departments had to work in those initial days and weeks after Katrina hit. Pathetic! FEMA isn't "satisfied" with the first responders' time sheets. Now let me see. . . umm, there's someone over there in a tree waiting for help and there is a body on a rooftop which is smashed flat and we have no communications, or food, or water, and the offices were gutted and filled with someone else's debris. . . umm where did I put my time sheet? And I can't find a pencil. Ahh, FEMA. …On top of that, many people are in limbo. People are still in trailers . . . with formaldehyde !!! For Pete's sake! Now that's a real pretty picture of America and what we are "supposed" to stand for…”

In general, I believe Florida has received a bad reputation in reference to the ski scene sadly, but it doesn’t surprise me. My opinion comes from the fact that when I was at Daytona this year, there were far less people who showed (or so it seemed). I wish the few select people responsible for this via their posts on this message board (and I have no idea again what caused it…don’t care again), would do whatever it is necessary to adjust their personal behavior, so as to make others wish to attend next year, simply because it is great to get that many people together who share the same passion. I know I intend to try and do so myself, and again hopefully people realize that usually when I make a post on this site, I am totally cracking up laughing and mean no harm with light sarcasm or dark humor (and if I ever do unintentionally harm anyone in the future, I would hope they would pm me, so I can correct my post publicly with another one via a public retraction). And that is my personal opinion, based on what I have witnessed. Take it or leave it, I really never have cared, because I can act totally retarded better than any one of you individually or combined when inspired…promise…proved it (yet there was a purpose behind it…to keep your attention on the storm…I am kinda swift like that in my thinking, and now can appreciate what newscasters do whereas I couldn’t before)! It’s probably because I was abused by storms as a child (had to do it again, lol…humor is always good, especially to make a point, even if it self-directed)! For instance, see the new signature line I created for all last night, prior to reading the post you made which caused me to be extremely disappointed in you overall.

There is at least one person on this board whom I believe knows where I am coming from. Pm MattE if you are as callous to his emotions as you appear to be to mine own. Ask him why in a thread he was talking about “what if I had…” and “why didn’t I…” etc. type of posts (and those aren’t direct quotes, simply because I have not been capable emotionally of rereading his posts for now only slightly understandable reasons to all). Understand, I knew I had a better capability via extreme experience of sending out warnings to all regarding this storm, and if I hadn’t, and one of you got hurt in any fashion, I would be feeling the same way as MattE (again)...responsible (wrongly, but that is how it is for those many of us whom seek to help others, and “feel” we failed). After reading his words and truly understanding what he is going through, I acted quickly (toward him as well as this storm); realize I would have regardless though, since it has been my profession to do so for a very long time.

Now if you don’t mind (and even if you do) I’m going to get back up on the roof, but remember as I’m sure you know, I am a caregiver to a dying family member whom I love with all my heart, so I will be off doing that as well if you reply (but I would prefer a pm to try to enlighten you as to my character)! If you wish to come help me along with others who offered, I would welcome you graciously (although unnecessary since I’m covered). Yet in closing, I will state this.

Seeing how it is apparent you wish to be involved somehow at least, and if you now wish to do something helpful, quote those links I put up on warnings and bring them forward, so people can find them quickly...because remember, many people have power out and no weather radios, but they have friends who don’t have power out that might read this and call them on their cell phone, just as I did with my father to protect him (and his little dog too). I am now unfortunately forced to direct my attention to my own personal affairs for the time being…it’s called “teamwork” Moondance…please reread prior posts if you truly didn’t bother the first time (I’m referencing your post stating you didn’t wish to read anything I posted, with that comment). Many people are still in danger in multiple states now (and uneducated on safety procedures or contamination facts unfortunately). I place all of this to you (and others) in a public forum, although probably personal, because it seems necessary for all on the board in general from my vocal personal opinion. Please note I believe it would be counter productive for everyone on this site, if anyone X2’d any portion of this! Let it stand alone, as I myself try to do at all time, since I answer to no other, but God.
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