Eric Malone Freestyle Clinic on September 16th

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
Sounds like its more of a watch Eric backflip for 6 hours than anything. He's not going to teach you to do much of anything in 1 day. Lenzi took Lee under his wing for over a year. 300 dollars can't be spent better elsewhere.

If you dont have anything better to say, go somewhere else.............


Once again I feel fortunate to be going. I have tried a roll here and there but I am still doing a stabbing motion. So my form is pretty much a clean slate for Malone to steer me in the right direction. Superjett, Squid and Sjweber have helped me a bunch as well so I am fortunate to have those guys as riding buddies. I am sure the level of the riders will be all over the place and I am interested to see how he works us as a group. The more and more I think about it the more I see how important form is to your riding level.

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
wait. so if i dont agree with a price, or what hes gonna do, i have to leave? then ban me.
everyone has an opinion. i guess when you speak it, it crosses the line.

you know, you are right.................I appologize, came across real assholish from you, took it the wrong way.................

But, if you have never been to one then how do you know what is going to happen........... I watched Malone work with Jawbreaker 2 years ago.......... looked like a pretty good deal. He barely rode........... he kept sending Jimmy back out to try tricks after he explained what to do........... Funny thing, this past weekend we were talking to Malone, he commented on his Class he did with Jimmy 2 years ago (Jimmy was there with us), he said, "I was talking to him about setups, foot position, etc..........and Jimmy says, lets talk about barrell rolls, I want to learn those............" [Not verbatim, but along those lines]


I guess I w/ Hulka.... I think spending 300$ to have someone tell you what you already know is stupid.... That money would be better spent on other things... Everybody knows where to put there feet and all that BS... we have gone over it on this website 50 million times... Why would it be more effective comming from him??? Another thing.... Why would riding his boat change anything?... 99.9% don't have 30k for a ski, so why ever ride it to begin w/?.... You will never own one... Nor will you be able to do anything on the ski w/o months getting use to power like that...

I guess it's like paying 300$ to shmooze w/ a pro... yippeeeee:woot:
do ya get a shirt and a hat too???:banghead: :banghead: :cheer2:


do ya get a shirt and a hat too???:banghead: :banghead: :cheer2:

One better, a shirt and a DVD :Banane01: :haha: :haha: If that DVD was video of you riding throughout the day that would be awesome.

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
hmmmmmmmmm, Jawbreaker used his own ski................. and no, not everybody knows how to Roll.............. I am just finally getting Flat water rolls after what, 3 years..................... Yeah, I have talked to alot of peeps, but has not helped............... We can all learn how to do things better............. It is real easy for someone who can do these tricks to say that spending 300$ to have someone tell you what you already know is stupid.... Some of us dont............. Do I have $300.00 to spend on this, No, Would I spend it? Who knows, I never have $300.00 to spare........


I would love to do it for one reason.. I cant setup wake for shiot.... I have done so many different ways.. and 1 out of 5 I get nice... and mind you, when I get them... I can barrel or whatever.. even been working on double troubles... But my setup wake SUCKS F-IN ARSE... I go ride flat and spend the whole time, setup waking... :banghead: I am getting better slowly but surely... I think ! there is my reason.. laugh away.:biggrin:


yeah.... I guess it's relative to how much 300$ is to ya... It's a lot to me..

:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:


yeah.... I guess it's relative to how much 300$ is to ya... It's a lot to me..

:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

I'm single :biggrin: so I can indulge in jetski madness for the time being :haha:


So long and thanks for all the fish
$300 for a day of personal instruction from someone like Malone is a bargain if you have it. I wish years ago I could have done something like this. Now, I'm so set in my horrible technique it's hard to change and one day of help probably wouldn't stick, but when you're still learning, getting the TRUE technique from a master will stick in your mind and pay off greatly.

Surf riders probably won't appreciate it much, but those of us that ride mostly flatwater, it's a huge thing.

Obviously it's worth something, because the clinic filled up quick.
A better deal would to do these freestyle shows with eric that tommy puts on. He'll give you some pointers, and you'll get paid while you're at it.

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
What kinda show are you gonna do when you cant nosestab, cant roll.......... that what some of the clinics are for............ To Teach............ If you are good enough to put on one of those shows, then yeah, would be worth it.......


My mom and dad went to St. Augustine, and all I got was this stupid T-Shirt, and a set of magic spark plugs

:cheer: :arms: :cheer:

magic plugs come w/ it??????
:Banane01: :Banane01: :Banane01: :Banane01: :Banane01:


Does Eric Use freestyle sponges???? If not, It will help his riding... Hey maybe we can offe him some pointers... Do ya have anymore Scott???


This is funny (the responses here).

If the class didn't spend any time on the water, I still would think any one of you would be happy to spend some time with Eric and furthermore, go out drinking with him Saturday night and talk ski crap.

From spending time with Bogart I picked up so much invaluable stuff. Pat always mentions the technical tips that Eric gives him. If Pat's valuing tips from Eric, shouldn't any one of us?

Wouldn't any one of you want Eric to look at your boat and riding style and give you both, riding, and performance tips?



Rick James Edition
Music City, TN
you know, you are right.................I appologize, came across real assholish from you, took it the wrong way.................

But, if you have never been to one then how do you know what is going to happen........... I watched Malone work with Jawbreaker 2 years ago.......... looked like a pretty good deal. He barely rode........... he kept sending Jimmy back out to try tricks after he explained what to do........... Funny thing, this past weekend we were talking to Malone, he commented on his Class he did with Jimmy 2 years ago (Jimmy was there with us), he said, "I was talking to him about setups, foot position, etc..........and Jimmy says, lets talk about barrell rolls, I want to learn those............" [Not verbatim, but along those lines]

I agree with Harrison.....Remember Ratti took of with his riding after spending some time with Patrick Bogart. It was a big help to Ratti and he'll tell you so. Working with someone that knows what they're doing is worth it if you have the cheese.
Eric works on where you are weak. He also offers tech help if your not getting the performance out of your ski. Nothing is better than learning from someone else's mistakes. He's had a lot of engine set ups and knows what's going to work better for different situations.
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