so for 300 bucks you learned how to make a set up wake and tried his boat?
there has to be more. did he personally help each person with what they were struggling with?
Depends on what you wanted to learn. Most the group wanted to know about take off wakes so he took eveyone out to do that, there was individual instruction as well so whatever you wanted yo know he was there to teach. What you take away from the clinic is how prepared you were to ask the right questions. Allot of guys were also asking tech question about the how's and why's he set his boat up. Seemed like there were allot of gear heads there so allot of the clinic revolved around boat setups..........
I wish I did more one on one with him but I was so timid b/c my knee was acting up that I did not attack the roll pursiut. I showed him how I go into it and surprisingly he really liked my technique..........so that is a confidence booster. I did not get any real criticism from him on either my technique or boat. He gave me one suggestion for roll but said I was pretty much right there. He took my boat out and said it was setup nicely and it was cool I did that to a squarenose b/c that hull is a good design.
The clinic did not have as much structure to it as I thought it would, it was more like what do you want to do..........ok well do that! Really laid back atmoshere.