Fab a handle pole? (I searched I promise)


Arlington TX
I tried the search function but couldn't find anything.

I would like to attempt to build my own handle pole from scratch. I've seen them completed on the forum, but i can't find a build thread. I'd like to make an adjustable style one.

Any suggestions or threads?


steals hub caps from cars
Site Supporter
at peace
Never seen an adjustable home-built pole on the forums.
Can't recall ever seeing a detailed how to thread on any homemade pole, either.


Formerly Motoman25
Long Island
After buying the xmetal adjustable pole I really don't see the need for adjustment on the pole. I wish I bought a fixed -4 or -5 pole. You can adjust steering if you need to move forward or back.

It all depends on your height and riding style.

I would suggest buying a 100 dollar roundnose pole and shorten it an inch at a time until you figure out where you want to be.


Bonzi Bob has fabbed up a few non adjustable poles I ran one for while Yammahammer and FX1 boy still run them.
In his words You will be happier in the long run to buy one unless you have upteen hours to waste.
In the end he is running my X-metal pole


Arlington TX
Bonzi Bob has fabbed up a few non adjustable poles I ran one for while Yammahammer and FX1 boy still run them.
In his words You will be happier in the long run to buy one unless you have upteen hours to waste.
In the end he is running my X-metal pole

It just seems like there has to be some balance between spending $50 on mat'l and 'umpteen hours' and $700+$1000 on a prefab one.

I'd like to buy one, I really would but the cost is too prohibitive for me.


Arlington TX
That seems to be the path of least resistance. My hope was to have something adjustable, but I may have to get a stock RN pole, chop it and reinforce it and just roll with that.

Either that or I cut apart my AC pole for the ends and use that as a basis for building my adjustable pole.


Customizing addict
Macon, GA
When I ran into issues with my stunt hull, I did a lot of adjustment with the steering length. I used the same AC pole but the difference between an xmetal straight bar with shortened turn plate and a normal length turn plate with normal 4° bars was like 4-5". If you needed even more length, you can run riser bars with the rise pointed towards you. Sure it costs money in extra parts doing this but you can sell what you don't use when it's done and even with two new setups, you aren't looking at more than $150-$200 and a lot less if you buy used. Just an option...
When I built my RN I just chopped my stock pole a couple of times to find what length I liked. My plan was to replace it when it broke.....it hasn't broke yet!
I have a Superfreak hull on order so I ordered a X metal adj. pole for that. It will take a little bit to figure out exactly what I like as far as length on that hull.


Arlington TX
I have the Xmetal adjust able steering plate. It adjusts from -2.5 to -3.5...
The guy who had the hull i'm buying before me had a -5 Xmetal Pole, -3.5 steering, and the pole bracket was moved forward about 4 inches. Yes... thats about 12".

So I dunno... I guess i'll stay on the hunt for a stocker to put my Xmetal adjustable on.


I tried the search function but couldn't find anything.

I would like to attempt to build my own handle pole from scratch. I've seen them completed on the forum, but i can't find a build thread. I'd like to make an adjustable style one.

Any suggestions or threads?

See, The X is way better than PWC...i was your first post on that fourm you made...you only have like 4 and they're all being rude right? on here everybodys nice :)
I'd fab it out of 4130 chrome molly instead of aluminum. Its stiffer than aluminum, You need alot less wall thickness on your tubing to aquire the same strength so therefore you can also reduce weight.


less work more surf
Im just starting to build one myself, I will start a build thread here is a photo of the test profile I folded up today



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