Super Hero, with a cape!
- Location
- St. Pete, FL
Use blue painters tape instead of mud. It will lay flat over all the cracks n crevices. Pop the part your making off of the ski/blue tape before the part fully cures becaust the blue masking tape comes off the back of the part easier. No need to make the bondrail perfect for the mold because your just covering it up anyways and all your doing is making the underside of the part nice which will be face down in glue anyways and unseen.
If it was mine i would grind out the cracks, make an epoxy paste with fiberglass shavings in it and fill all the parts on the bondrail and sand/finish . I would then reinforce from the inside .
If you were doing it the way I was suggesting, the section of damaged rail would be removed (from the screw hole to the crack behind it). It looks to me like the area is deformed.
If the mold is perfect or close to it, black gelcoat could be put down and then the replacement section laidup. All of the repair glass would be laidup from the underside of the bond rail. The finish of the top rail would be in gelcoat, so the mold quality matters to some degree. Just wet sand and buff.
It is just a bond rail, so I don't contest just laying up over the damage.