<dl class="thumbnail"><dt>
</dt><dd> Rear exhaust fitted, Trim & Steering cable in & twin cooling lines fitted</dd></dl>
<dl class="thumbnail"><dt>
</dt><dd> Aircraft alloy exhaust tube & rubber support for rubber exhaust tube</dd></dl>
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</dt><dd> T6 threaded plates bonded in with bolt on strap hooks for rear waterbox. Rubber supports also bonded to hull to hold waterbox</dd></dl>
<dl class="thumbnail"><dt>
</dt><dd> Shows smooth transition of both steering & trim cables through bulkhead - this makes cables so much smoother</dd></dl>
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</dt><dd> Another angle of cables & twin cooling through bulkhead</dd></dl>
<dl class="thumbnail"><dt>
</dt><dd> Waterbox fitted with horseshoe rubber exhaust tube - all components fit without being squashed or touching against anything else</dd></dl>