First AR!!!!!!!!

Mike W

North Florida

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
I plan to use the iron sights. First time I ever shot a rifle i killed my first and only deer. (It was the 3rd time to go hunting, all same weekend).. just to easy with a scope!
bushnell still makes a decent ar height red dot that will co witness with the iron sights

and +1 on the trigger...drop in a geissele once you experience the disappointing grittyness of the stock trigger in the psa (if you upgrade before you wont realize what you are paying for)

oh will need this...
i was referencing mil spec.

i didnt know psa offered a polished trigger...sounds like a good start.

definintely start with it and then decide what you would like to improve (may not need to at all). the polishing may be enough

my ar came with a mil spec trigger and for me it was a combination of grittyness, pull weight and my dislike of the deep curve of the trigger blade that made the geissele worth it.

oh...if you are anal about cleaning...pick up a pack of long pipe cleaners and long qtips ;)


walking on water
I have $90 UTG red dot on my Single Six .22 revolver. With 22WMR or 22LR it'll group silver dollars on the bench at 65 yards.

Red dots are great, except for you know hunting and emergencies. Iron sights never fail, humans do.
I have $90 UTG red dot on my Single Six .22 revolver. With 22WMR or 22LR it'll group silver dollars on the bench at 65 yards.

Red dots are great, except for you know hunting and emergencies. Iron sights never fail, humans do.


Edit: guess I should explain why this is absolute fudd talk. Many many people put their lives on the line literally every day trusting the reliability of red dots and other types of sights. If you purchase a reputable product, there is zero reason to not have confidence in it unless you are not capable of changing batteries. Many have backup flip up iron sights for a reason too.
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Before you buy a bunch of upgrades go out to the range and shoot the thing a few sessions. Figure out what you want to improve upon. You might be fine with iron sights or the stock trigger.

I like the CMMG .22 LR adapter kit instead of a dedicated upper for using .22 ammo. It's cheaper and except for the BCG and magazine it uses the exact same parts as your regular setup so it'll feel and train a lot more like it than a different upper. Don't pay full price for it because it often goes on sale for ~$175.


walking on water

Edit: guess I should explain why this is absolute fudd talk. Many many people put their lives on the line literally every day trusting the reliability of red dots and other types of sights. If you purchase a reputable product, there is zero reason to not have confidence in it unless you are not capable of changing batteries. Many have backup flip up iron sights for a reason too.
My point was even "cheap" ones are accurate.

I'm not fiddling with a red dot deer hunting or on my carry pistols. You only have one chance. Who needs a red dot a on pistol anyway?... You're shooting under 25 yards. I can drop plates all day at 25 yards with iron sites, even with my 380 pocket pistol!


Buy a Superjet
Don't be like every other AR owner out there and go "this is the best thing ever, I need 37 more of them!" Expand your horizons. So many great platforms out there besides the AR.

Best part about the AR is you can build up an awesome lower then just swap uppers for different calibers/distances. 458 Socom is awesome! until you have to buy ammo... .Also shooting 223 out of a 26" upper to 1k is pretty fun.


Urban redneck
Best part about the AR is you can build up an awesome lower then just swap uppers for different calibers/distances. 458 Socom is awesome! until you have to buy ammo... .Also shooting 223 out of a 26" upper to 1k is pretty fun.
I really want a .500 s&w magnum AR for hunting....well anything I could possibly want to hunt in North America lol
Best part about the AR is you can build up an awesome lower then just swap uppers for different calibers/distances. 458 Socom is awesome! until you have to buy ammo... .Also shooting 223 out of a 26" upper to 1k is pretty fun.

Yep that’s why people have 37 different ones haha. Hard to “build” a scar or a Bren or something. Also much more expensive.
Best part about the AR is you can build up an awesome lower then just swap uppers for different calibers/distances. 458 Socom is awesome! until you have to buy ammo... .Also shooting 223 out of a 26" upper to 1k is pretty fun.
300 blackout out of a 9" barrel is always a nice choice for a second upper (up to 300 yrds)


Urban redneck
Yep that’s why people have 37 different ones haha. Hard to “build” a scar or a Bren or something. Also much more expensive.
My Yugo AK and Rhoadisian FAL were both parts kit's I built. The AK with a custom serialed numbered [to match the kit] receiver cost me about $400 total lol. I miss the good old days.
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