First AR!!!!!!!!


walking on water
Love my lever actions! Someday I will build or buy a nice 45-70 that can handle big boy loads. Had a 458 Socom but want something that can handle the 500g boolets.

Now that im older I agree more with Kevin now and base my shooting on ease of cleaning and price of ammo. Lots of 10/22 builds.
View attachment 452993
After getting into precision airguns, I'll probably never build a 10/22.

You can shoot airguns in your backyard(in town). Hit dimes at 40 yards standing. Pop dandelion tops all day. Don't even get me going on all the pellet types, exploding ones are silly fun!

Mike W

North Florida
After getting into precision airguns, I'll probably never build a 10/22.

You can shoot airguns in your backyard(in town). Hit dimes at 40 yards standing. Pop dandelion tops all day. Don't even get me going on all the pellet types, exploding ones are silly fun!
I live in a congested area and I need a pellet gun. What are some decent ones? Bought one from Walmart a few years ago but it was garbage.
I live in a congested area and I need a pellet gun. What are some decent ones? Bought one from Walmart a few years ago but it was garbage.
I was in the same boat before. I picked out a gamo swarm magnum and am happy with it. It’s by no means fancy like what bird probably has but, it checks all my boxes. .22, 1300fps, and the mag holds 10 rnds. It’s nice not having to load a round after every shot. Break and shoot break and shoot.



Buy a Superjet
I was in the same boat before. I picked out a gamo swarm magnum and am happy with it. It’s by no means fancy like what bird probably has but, it checks all my boxes. .22, 1300fps, and the mag holds 10 rnds. It’s nice not having to load a round after every shot. Break and shoot break and shoot.

Didn't think I needed a new air gun! But having a mag fed would be awesome.


walking on water
I live in a congested area and I need a pellet gun. What are some decent ones? Bought one from Walmart a few years ago but it was garbage.
The Crosman 1377 has been made for years. The base gun is cheap, available everywhere, and can upgrade easily. The mods are endless for these Crosmans. There's an entire underworld in the UK for them, only 12 foot pound air rifles are allowed there.

I shoot a derivative of the Crosman 1300/2400 series. I have a 2300KT C02 version for backyard plinking, and a 1300KT 10 pump version that can dump 16 pumps for squirrel hunting. Both have .177 Lothar Walther 14.6" Barrels, two stage triggers, and UTG Scopes. They were from the Crosman Custom shop, which recently closed. I think Crosman and Daisy were just bought by a parent company....

The Crosman 1377/22(caliber) is $60 on sale. The rifle stock is $24 to make it a carbine. You can add a steel breech for $45 and hard mount a scope on it. At that point you have a 10 pump 600fps Carbine. I used that setup for years with just a crappy Tasco 1.5x scope! I shot so much stuff with that gun/setup. Compact, lightweight, accurate. I gave it to a buddy who still shoots it!

I've been eyeing up PCP guns for years, but I just can't justify the jump at this point. Break barrels are OK, but they're just never going to be as accurate as a solid gun with regulated air. Check out Ted's Holdover on YT. ChairGun is a cool piece of software for calculating trajectories. I think my favorite part of shooting is playing with trajectorys. After 50 yards, the pellet drop is silly but fun to predict.
Kevbo is going to absolutely despise this, shield your eyes dude.

I want to build a space cowboy lever action so bad. Like this:


just dipped my toe into the lever action water a couple of months levtac in .357/.38 special with ranger point precision furniture

Eugene Stoner said up front that his AR10 was too lightweight for a 308. Everyone else had to experience it through performance trials before they ended up repeating him.


Urban redneck
Eugene Stoner said up front that his AR10 was too lightweight for a 308. Everyone else had to experience it through performance trials before they ended up repeating him.
Maybe for auto use.
For precision they are the go to platform for .30 cal in the military these days.
Full auto was the issue even with the massive muzzle brake that they were using. I had an AR10B, its recoil was very light with its factory muzzle brake. I got rid of it because of the noise. It was giving my ears frequency shifts no matter what earplugs or muffs I used.
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