FPD's "Floatorious P.I.G"


Installed 9/15 Hooker and 85.5mm bored nozzle after work today. Along with new pump seal.
My skat impellor looks really good.
But....the pump looked badly racked from the "thru the intake view". A big lip on one side and beyond flush on the other.
Maybe this has been the cause of my cavitation from jump.
When re-installing the pump it took 2 of us to pry the pump straight (after catching a few threads on all bolts) and we got it as straight as it can get.
At this point it actually needs to go "up". But there's nowhere to go.
Hopefully RTV will help. IT'S GOO'D UP GOOD!

I know these hulls are not perfect. But I always figured that if the holes lined up... it was good.....NOT!


installed stock pump shoe. The aluminum one would have been o.k, but I don't have the tools to grind it properly. And it kinda needs to be done in the ski so you know when & where to stop. It looked really easy to slip-up and damage the wear ring or the impellor etc..
I opted to go back to stock.
Tips on ADA install: put silicon around girdle studs at the base of the cyl to keep water,salt and sand out...per "Matt" at ADA. Also do not use loctite on acorn nuts, it will back your studs out upon removal...I use anti-seize in the acorn nuts because they begin to rust inside the thread area and this will preserve them. Good luck !
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Tips on ADA install: put silicon around girdle studs at the base of the cyl to keep water,salt and sand out...per "Matt" at ADA. Also do not use loctite on acorn nuts, it will back your studs out upon removal...I use anti-seize in the acorn nuts because they begin to rust inside the thread area and this will preserve them. Good luck !

Good to know. I never use lock-tite on anything. But the silicone makes sense.


Head installed. I know I said I was gonna go with 33cc domes, but after careful consideration, went with 35cc. All went well.
Had to slightly modify stock flame arrestor......hack....slash.....chew.....throw....lol.

The ski seems to like it....water test in 2 hours.


Very happy with the ADA head. Comp is 190-190. I'm torqued to ADA specs, although I've seen some debate on this. After the first ride I re-torqued and the regular head bolts were still good.,But the acorn girdle nuts had loosened a bit.
My previous girdle kit had the coupler-type cyl-to-case bolts.
It worries me a bit having, for lack of a better analogy, a "cylinder sandwich".
But it seems to work for a lot of riders, and I'm pleased with the performance after the first ride.


14/22 amazed me. The bottom end hit was a bit slow, but it powered thru the rpm range nicely. I expected it to be a complete dog. NOT TRUE!
Granted, the right prop for the ski is the 12/17. But this will work just fine while I have the 12/17 refurbished.

Been experimenting......don't believe all that you hear!


got my 12/17 back from impros...looks great. Rec'd new impeller housing/wear ring from greater yamaha. (pretty!)
Pump is out. Putting it all together after work today.
The ski (Floatorious P.I.G) will be done as far as I can do it.
The only other thing I'd like is to send it to Jetmaniac/Blue for port/polish. Gotta save-up a while for that. But the driveline is done for now.
Sure, I'd like to do some hull stuff....tubbies, lower/lighter hood etc.....but motor & pump had to come first.
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