D Slicker
Durham, dont forget it
- Location
- Pottstown, PA
I thought about getting a SJ but I like to be differant, Im staying green.
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Highroller said:lol Agreed. No offense but putting a kawi motor in a superjet defeats the purpose of getting a superjet. Might as well put a moped motor in the hull. :bigeyes:
Get a superjet all the way, you wont regret it!
Sounds like he's getting ready to start the school year:biggthumpup:Freestyleriverrat said:WOW Dj........busting out the mathmatics late in the day :haha:
Scorn800 said:settle down there
Why would anyone wan to turn a sxr into an sj?
sxr's rip
djkorn1 said:Shorter handlepole means shorter rotation... less circumference that you will have to travel...
So for example, if your pole is 40 inches and you get a 38 inch pole taking away two inches. A stock poled ski would travel 40 X 2 X 3.1415926. Then by using the 38 inch pole it would be 38 X 2 X 3.1415926 meaning your circumference that your hull travels in a perfectly flat roll would go from 251.327 inches to 238.761 inches saving you the effort of having to roll your SXR an extra 12.566 inches.
:Banane01: Too many beers tonight :1244:
Waste Land said:Fruck all this "Stay green" pride bull********. Get the ski that suit the needs. Flat water freestyle. So you bought a kawi...sell it...people get this KAwi pride ******** and would rather spend $$ out the ass trying to make it like a SJ...screw it
Waste Land said:Not riled up. I just think its stupid when people get this "Brand fetish" and wont leave something for a much better option. The motor in a SXR I agree could do what needed to be done for Fx, but the hull is made for racing. Theres a reason pros use SJs/Octanes....
He wants to go hull now...so whats the point in even staying SXR? A leight SXR might weigh what? 5lbs less then a stock SJ? or some crap like that.
Why not just get a superjet and learn to ride it and quit trying to collect all the parts like they were pokemon
Great math SJ...only prob is the pole isnt at full extend at rotation. The whole purpose of the pole is to get you closer to the front end; weight wise not save rotation distance. When rolling....the closer your handle pole stays to your hood the better.
Scorn800 said:watch what Malone will be on at the WF.
Scorn800 said:What's wrong with brand loyality?
If that's what you have spare parts for and know how to wrench on. Why switch?
and for Pro's... watch what Malone will be on at the WF.
There's no right boat for anything. It all comes down to what the person riding it thinks.
You make no sense Wasteland... keep thinking your SJ is the best.
Maybe it is for hoodtricks...... but hood tricks are lame
butti said:i resent the 3 tricks in the surf comment:bs2:
Waste Land said:No offense....just not into seeing nost stab, BR, BF, and every now and again a reentry over and over. I'm into aerial, technical, and fun.
GDFL said:You're forgetting lawndarts, the "hook up a tow rope before it sinks"