Call Xscream. When I picked my ski up I was talking to Radney about how many hrs/gallons to run my stroker. He was telling me that the pumpkin (pat's ski) ran 1yr 3 months before it was pulled apart. He said that ski runs every weekend on race gas & has had a lot of hrs/gallons through it. 1000cc motor that I'm sure isn't babied!
you went stock stroke, didnt you Matt? how is that thing? My setup is BB and 46 Blackjacks like yours but Arts 4mm crank... Im really excited!
The Pumpkin is treated like a total whore and she keeps on giving. That ski is proof that a properly set up stroker can be as reliable as a stock stroke motor but with a shait lot more power.
Strokers are only as good as the guy building them, if I was told to pull the motor down every 32 hours I'd look elsewhere.[/quote]
Well Said Boris! I got at least 20-25 gallons on mine now, I ride 5-10 gallons a week & will be riding all summer long! No plans to pull anything apart, until she says she needs it!
My Teamscream motor rips!
No plans to pull anything apart, until she says she needs it!
What oil ratio are they reccommending?
I have been wary of quicksilver due to it being a different colour at least once a year. I have seen it be a dark-blue, brown and green. Got my favourite oil which gives excellent protection at a good price. Got asked yesterday if the Envinrude E-Tec synthetic oil would be good in a ski(seen as they reprogram the E-tec to inject 50% less oil when you are running it). Anyone tried it?
where do you buy that mercury oil?
With the 10mm i was told full comp motor witch will see a breakdown every 25-30 gal of fuel.