

If you guys are finished screwing around can we go ride now:biggrin:

Just checked surf report from wave watch they say the surf will 4-5 on fri

dropping to 3 for the rest of the weekend.
If you guys are finished screwing around can we go ride now:biggrin:

Just checked surf report from wave watch they say the surf will 4-5 on fri

dropping to 3 for the rest of the weekend.

:haha::haha: :haha: :haha: :haha:

All we have to do is tune and pack, leaving tomorrow :woot: :woot:


We didn't have time to build a beach cart, looks like we'll be bumming off you again:biggthumpup:


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This is a crappy vid, but what can you expect I did it with my phone. Thanks for all the props guys, sometimes we really needed the positive reinforcement. We all now have to send our wallets to the rape crisis center for some counseling, but we are hoping they will pull through. I'll take my camcorder to the lake tonight and get some better vid. :Banane01:


FX-6.9 Boy

OK.........went for a lake test tonight............no go.........if this guy named Jeff at Waterdawg was even remotely close to becoming some sort of decent businessman, we would already have the parts that we paid for.....for example,,bolts, o-rings, domes that are "CUT", customer service, or just f***ing common courtesy towards people,, we could have got this thing going.....instead, we paid him for parts that are not finished and have zero customer support with them....I know, everyone has their own gripe threads, but this guy truly sucks............so, if your listening Jeff, you better hang on to your A$$, because on May the 17th, you will be receiving a phone call from me to inform you that I have already talked to the attorney general of Oregon and I am beginning the complaints on you....shortly there after will be the scheduling with a judge to resolve these issues, since what you have done is felony credit card theft......I highly suggest that you answer your phone on 5/17/07 to try and resolve some of these issues.........and by the way, you know what issues I am talking about,,,,,,and by the way, if you say I am full of BS and you think you are above the law, then you have a long, expensive, rough road ahead of you...
and Jeff, if you are puzzled about this rampage, don't be,,,we have heard every lie in the book from you as to why our parts aren't here and we are tired of it......in closure, fix the f***ing problem or face me in court you piece of sh*t..................so, by the way, my boat won't be going to the TX coast this weekend, everything is done to it except domes, o-rings, and bolts for the head.........thanks alot Jeff, we've only been trying to get these parts for 3 months.............


South Jersey
Hmm. FX I can totally sympathize with your frustration. What exactly happened at the water test? It 'seemed' as though it was running in the quick little movie clip I saw? Did something go wrong after that?

I think what it the most frustrating part are the lies and deceit that Jeff exhibits. If he just spent 30 minutes at the end everyday to return calls or emails and said 'look guys, I have X amount of orders today and I honestly haven't had a chance to work on your stuff' then you could go to bed that night with ease. Instead the theme is to not answer the phone, answer your requests through other customers, or just flat out lie. In the end you have hard working folks who are out money and have nothing to show for it. I especially hate the fact that younger folks who order from WD, ones that work their a$$ off in school all year, hope to have an enjoyable summer riding their ski with WD parts, have their summer ruined because WD can't hold to their word. This really upsets me hearing about your misfortune, along with the other fellow X-h2o members. I myself am as upset as you are because I have been following this thread from day one and now I must wait another day for progress. I back you guys 100% and hope this BS comes quickly to an end. If I can help with anything, let me know.


The good news is that we also have a set of stock cylinders for this boat. I am currently working on getting some pistons and a head overnighted. We will see how this works out. As far as Jeff goes.................................I have left him more than 20 voice mails, three or four e-mails and a couple of PM's...................................I guess we are not important enough for a return call. I know several other people either have or are experiencing this problem with him, he needs to fix it or close shop. F@cking people around is not cool. Maybe we'll just take some time off and drive to Oregon, people find it harder to lie standing face to face with someone. As far as the problems with the heads goes, cutting the domes was not that bad, its the fact that he failed to mention that they also were not surface matched with the head. So, being that we did not know this we just cut the domes and the o-ring groove. After blowing o-rings and having sever water leaks on the heads we finally walked away and started getting our other boats in the trailer. We'll see if Riva has a head for us and we will run stock pistons for now.
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St. Clair, MI
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