Wasn't happy with my water feed lines from the bulkhead to the exhaust manifold so I picked up 10 ft of 1/2" id air line from Lowe's for $18.
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Installed with 1/2" oeitker clamps on the bulkhead and hose clamps on the brass fittings on the exhaust manifold.
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It was tight getting the oteiker clamps over the tubing once with was over the aluminum tubes that come through the bulkhead from the pump tunnel...so I opened up a fender washer just larger than the od of the water hose, slipped it over the hose, followed it with a 3/4" drive socket, then once it was up against the stuck clamp, tapped it (aggressively) with a ball peen hammer to get the clamp over the hose on the aluminum tube. Once it was there, remove the socket and washer and crimp with oteiker pliers.
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Turfed the bottom of the fuel tank and had to figure out a way to keep weight on the turf while the contact cement dried. Chain!
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Steff bought this setup for cutting fabric at Hobby Lobby. It makes perfectly straight cuts in hydroturf. Awesome!
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