Gabe & Steff's Krash Predator Build

Pump in. Moved steering pivot all the way in to the nozzle and trimmed arm to clear underside of ride plate. Drilled and tapped for dual cooling for B pipe. Ground down stock bilge siphon and JB Welded it closed. Ground off crazy boss on the opposite side of reduction nozzle.
Pulled choke plates on these poor little 30-nothins and added primer just in case of *cough* *cough* water ingestion. I have pods with outerwears and stock flame arrestor but haven't decided on which to use 1.JPG
Good to know. My Kawis are sealed up pretty good so I only run pod FAs with no issues. But I see a lot of stock FA on Yami surf motor set ups.
Steff cleaned the chamber. I was surprised how nice the finish still was. It had a bunch of rub marks from the previous setup so I filled them with JB Weld for insurance. Covered with nonstick parchment paper overnight. We'll see how good JBW is with the pipe's thermal stress! Now to the frozen screws on the headpipe...
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Tank showed up from LimitedSlip7. It is a work of art! Set it in the hull to get a look at how great it's going to look in there. Going to go through my strap stash tonight to see what lengths are going to work best to hold everything down. Also, I have to figure out which tank/battery box bumps I'm grinding down and where to place the carbon holders the keep the tank in place. I need to order a few odds and ends for the pipe and tank before I can get much further...turf, headpipe bolts to replace my rusty ones, flow control for stinger, etc...
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Wasn't happy with my water feed lines from the bulkhead to the exhaust manifold so I picked up 10 ft of 1/2" id air line from Lowe's for $ 1.JPG
Installed with 1/2" oeitker clamps on the bulkhead and hose clamps on the brass fittings on the exhaust manifold.
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It was tight getting the oteiker clamps over the tubing once with was over the aluminum tubes that come through the bulkhead from the pump I opened up a fender washer just larger than the od of the water hose, slipped it over the hose, followed it with a 3/4" drive socket, then once it was up against the stuck clamp, tapped it (aggressively) with a ball peen hammer to get the clamp over the hose on the aluminum tube. Once it was there, remove the socket and washer and crimp with oteiker pliers.
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Turfed the bottom of the fuel tank and had to figure out a way to keep weight on the turf while the contact cement dried. Chain!
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Steff bought this setup for cutting fabric at Hobby Lobby. It makes perfectly straight cuts in hydroturf. Awesome!
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i had to cut off 1 of the battery mounting tabs on my predator for my slip tank to fit better i used a cuttoff tool and saved it incase could use it later !looking good
Thanks! I'm afraid to use a cut off tool right now. Probably going to try a flush cut hand saw first and see how that goes.
Turf a little dusty from the chain...
Thanks fellas!
Filled in removed areas with MarineTex. Once it cures, I'll paint it black appliance epoxy out of a rattle can. Got to clean the rest of the dust first though...
Wasn't happy with my water feed lines from the bulkhead to the exhaust manifold so I picked up 10 ft of 1/2" id air line from Lowe's for $18.View attachment 299132
Installed with 1/2" oeitker clamps on the bulkhead and hose clamps on the brass fittings on the exhaust manifold.
View attachment 299133
It was tight getting the oteiker clamps over the tubing once with was over the aluminum tubes that come through the bulkhead from the pump I opened up a fender washer just larger than the od of the water hose, slipped it over the hose, followed it with a 3/4" drive socket, then once it was up against the stuck clamp, tapped it (aggressively) with a ball peen hammer to get the clamp over the hose on the aluminum tube. Once it was there, remove the socket and washer and crimp with oteiker pliers.
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Turfed the bottom of the fuel tank and had to figure out a way to keep weight on the turf while the contact cement dried. Chain!
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Steff bought this setup for cutting fabric at Hobby Lobby. It makes perfectly straight cuts in hydroturf. Awesome!
View attachment 299136

Just an FYI, contact cement is not glue. You do not apply and stick pieces together while wet. Rather you apply 2 thin coats to each item, allowing coats to dry between. Once both coats are completely dry to touch you stick the turf to the tank and it instantly holds. Use a rubber mallet to really bond

So far build is looking good
Thank you, that's a great point. I am always paranoid it's going to unstick as soon as I walk away from it, especially when the turf goes over curves.
Put the bilge bracket in with 5200.
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Swapped out my pod flame arrestor adaptors with stock.
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