I predict I will have to now get a paypal account,you are the Devil Jett,the Devil! of course I mean that in the nicest possible way!
You don't have to have an account to make a purchase I don't believe.
I predict I will have to now get a paypal account,you are the Devil Jett,the Devil! of course I mean that in the nicest possible way!
You don't have to have an account to make a purchase I don't believe.
Afraid so it goes through all the way to the end and says we have no record of a paypal account,please create a paypal account to continue.:deal:
Well, for now, that's what I need because I'm using the Paypal shipping tools to handle everything, plus it's where our money stays.
Yeah, I may change it and install some tools into the store if this is going to be a regular thing, which it might. Hats, long sleeve tees, hoodies, plungers, cast iron skillets, etc.
I'm not doing spatulas just yet, how about a whisk?
I have another 20 packages to ship today and maybe 2 more orders after that.
So where are all the 130+ people that voted on the poll and wanted 170+ shirts?
CANADA!! ;-) nuff said...open the flood gates man...
back to my rock
I'm not doing spatulas just yet, how about a whisk?
I'm setting it up right now. Looks like $8.45 for first class shipping instead of $2.50 or so, plus I have to do a customs form I guess? I've just never dealt with this stuff before and only when I have time, which is very little and far between.
If I were doing this full-time, it would have been ready when I got the shirts.
EDIT: looks like Canada is not that bad, and under $20CAD is duty free, so I'll have to send them individually.