Novel Mode:
Thanks, and that’s not surprising with what you are organizing here, kinda goes with the territory. Doris received a dog’s bed to offset medical expenses the owner rightly paid ($14 clearance item, soft fleece and micro suede too, so she’s very comfe). She’s on advanced end-stage sadly, yet she is receiving the very best in love. I just look to give her some happy days until she no longer has quality ones (she’ll break my heart soon). She purrs louder than a freight train, and followed me around a bit today too…pretty moving for an almost semi-feral cat.
Back on topic:
I’ll see if the Park Manager’s email is still on my laptop the next break I take. We developed a good rapport last year, so maybe he can provide some assistance. Perhaps he can instruct the cashiers to request donations for relief funds at the entrance, maybe even go so far as list it as an event on the Park’s Event Calendar. Hiram’s might be interested in participating in such a manner, perhaps getting the band involved that Saturday night. The camping last year was booked in advance, and we had to rely on overflow which couldn’t be reserved. The Park Manager mentioned then it was really necessary to book three months in advance for winter, so I’m not sure what they will have with this short of notice; I do recall they were more than willing to work with us though. There were some more economical hotels in the area I managed discounts with, so I will try them again as well. I’m not sure about any of those on/off the interstate, but like you said, there’s time.