This is my old ski. The dual 38's worked perfectly on this magoo port 701 when I removed them 14mo ago or so (for dual 44's). I put them back on right before Daytona in Jan. The ski bogged a little out of tailstands but that was it. Then the next ride at Sebby it got progressively worse through the ride. So no, it's not the jets or the mixture settings.
Anyways. The current issue is, I can ride it around fine if I constantly blip the throttle.
The problem rears it's ugly head when you gun it anywhere from idle to just about half throttle. It feels like it is loading up. Sometimes it will die after a couple seconds, sometimes it will gurgle for a couple seconds and take off, sometimes it will gurgle for several seconds until I let off. Once it's up 3/4 throttle it is mostly fine. It seems so inconsistent that I was thinking cdi. I had also tried high and low mix screws
up to 1/2 turn either way with little to no difference in performance. Sometimes it exhibits this problem out of the water also, just not often (even when the ski has been dry for several days so probably not salt water related).
Things I've checked:
- Cleaned carbs
- Rebuilt carbs pump side and diaphram side
- Rebuilt carbs again and removed jets and sprayed carb cleaner through them
- Flipped vforce power reeds for a fresh seal (fiberglass not carbon) (inspected good, but maybe missed a crack somewhere?)
- Compression at 195psi both cylinders
- Drained gas tank and shop vac-ed
- Replaced fuel filter
- Replaced spark plugs twice
- Replaced msd enhancer with stock 61x cdi (62t motor)
- Sprayed down coil wires with that rubber stuff in a can
- Put spacers between coil wires
I'm kind of in the process of selling the ski to torr and he doesn't have any more time to mess with it than I do, so Wilkey/lovin will be messing with it from here. He's offered to swap in spark plug boots, a coil, his known good dual 38's, and possibly a stator to narrow down the problem and just continue to throw parts at it from there. Any other ideas?