Steering Systems from RRP, Cold Fusion, ADA, Thrust, and Blowsion

RRP ninja OVP lightweight fatbar steering system 289.
RRP billet pole steering stop/chinpad support 65.80

RRP steering system for std 7/8” bars 245.

RRP AST rubber bump pad 64.95
(Specify original or OVP steering, original pad will fit Cold Fusion FB steering also)
RRP steering rebuild kit (2 bearings, 4 washers, 3 Orings) 29.95
RRP steering replacement O-ring kit 12.
Thrustone OVP fat bar steering system $279.
Thrustone Shorty fat bar steering system $279.
Thrustone Combo fat bar steering system $324.
(includes clamps to run either as OVP or shorty setup)
Thrust steering rebuild kit for all Thrust steering systems 39.95
(2 sealed bearings and 2 bearing cups)
Thrust billet steering stop/chinpad support 54.95
ADA Racing
ADA NEW sealed bearing steering system 139.95
ADA billet standard 7/8 bar steering turnplate 69.
ADA billet Fat Bar steering turnplate 99. (silver or black)
-for ADA, UMI or UMI style (blowsion, wamiltons, etc.) bearing steering systems.
Steering cable mount can be mounted on either side of the plate. Can also be used on Kawasaki SXR by relocating the pivot post in stock subplate to forward hole.
An easy, inexpensive way to switch to 1-1/8" Fat Bars from RRP or Blowsion. Replaces turnplates on UMI style steering systems.
Cold Fusion

Cold Fusion steering systems use stock SuperJet steering bushings, large locking pro nut included.
Cold Fusion pro series fat bars turnplare steering system 179.80
Cold Fusion pro series 7/8" std bars turnplate steering system 129.80
Cold Fusion steering locknut 34. (Inc. with Pro series)
OEM SuperJet steering bushing 17.95/ea.
Blowsion OVP universal Fatbar steering system 261.90
The all new Universal OVP "Over the Pivot" Sealed Bearing Steering System. Fits all OEM Yamaha and Aftermarket Handlepoles. Chinpad will need to be modded for clearance.
Blowsion Kommand shorty turnplate 59.95
XScream Adjustable Steering System 179.
XScream steering rebuild kit 29.95

RRP Fat 50mm riser bars 69.90
RRP Fat 4 degree bars 64.90
RRP Fat straight bars 59.95
RRP std 7/8" straight bars 49.90
ADA zero degree 7/8” straight bars with crossbar and pad 65.90
ADA 4 degree 7/8” straight bars with crossbar and pad 65.90
Billet 7/8" bar clamp set (threaded with tapered head stainless bolts) for UMI, Blowsion, etc. turnplates 22.95

ADA crossbar pad 12.95
Hot Products longer crossbar pad
RRP handlebar extensions 39.95/pair
Steering rebuild kits

Steering rebuild kit for UMI steering 29.95
Also for UMI style steering systems like Blowsion and Wamiltons
(New orings, sealed bearing, and needle bearing or teflon replacement kit)
Koyo Steering rebuild kit for UMI steering 34.95
(upgraded kit with Koyo sealed bearing)

Locking stainless collar for UMI, Blowsion, or Wamiltons steering 32.90
(replaces crappy nylock nuts that always come loose)
RRP Fatbar steering rebuild kit 29.
RRP std 7/8" bar steering rebuild kit 29.
Xmetal adj steering rebuild kit for 29.
Steering rebuild kit for Blowsion OVP steering 29.
(specify for Blowsion pole or universal model)
Steering rebuild kit for ADA steering 29.

NEW design UMI Racing billet steering system for WaveBlasters $549.80
* 1" taller steering head height
* Steering head now works with standard (7/8") or fat bars (1 1/8") and includes extra top plate and adapter.
* Steering is now anodized in Black.
* Steering arm is longer with more quick steering adjustment.
* Fits 1993-1996 Yamaha WaveBlaster 1
UMI Racing billet steering system for Kawi X2
UMI Racing B1/X2 steering system rebuild kit 29.95
Throttle Levers

PJS billet throttle lever 79.89
ADA billet throttle lever 74.95

UMI billet throttle lever 81.90
Black or silver, straight or angled
RRP billet throttle lever 84.95

TBM Billet throttle lever bushing 99.90
TBM Billet throttle lever bearing 109.90
Thrust one finger throttle lever 84.95
HSI billet throttle lever 85.49

OEM Yamaha throttle levers -clean, used 28.
Cast aluminum throttle lever 34.90
Throttle lever to cable adapters:
Most a/m throttles to Yamaha 6mm cable 12.90
Most a/m throttles to late model 8mm Kawi 14.90
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