I will blow back thru the cooling hose to make sure its clear.
up until a week ago I had the fuel routed as you said.
I removed the stock fuel lines and petcock valve, and pickps and blew all thru them.
there was crud in the valve all last year and the reserve circuit would not pull.
both lines are clear now, and those filters have less than a tank of fuel each thru them. petcock is clear, lines are new ( and clear) and pickups are clear)
those are NOT stock plug caps.
the plug BOOT is stock, but the actual electrical connection, is an automotive type that is crimped and soldered to the cut back stock wires.
old pipe and stock head, boat would pull 7200 RPMs.
new pipe and new head, boat wont do that.
compression has increased, not sure how much, plugs dont look like its leaking water.
keep the ideas coming, and thanks for stepping in to help SuperTune.