Help Now Sank Ski Hours Ago

East Coast.
out riding today some rookis took my honda aquatrax out. apparently they rolled it and couldnt uprite it. it was probably upside down for 10 + min. obviously it wont start. got it bakc. filled the entire compartment with fresh water and salt away. NOW WHAT. every search doesnt say much but NOT TO WAIT. what actions should i do. please????


Tasty Human
Summit Lake, WA
Yep, get all that water out of the compartment and remove the plugs and spin the hell out of that motor. Watch your starter and solenoid temp. Check the oil for foaming, probably go ahead and change it. Check your fuel filter and tank vent for water. Try to get that sucker running by tonight or tomorrow and take it out and get it up to temp. You need to dry it out before any rust starts on your cylinders or bearings.

I hate to say this, but I don't let rookies ride my stuff. My parents learned the hard way by having to put an engine in their seadoo after someone took it out, rolled it, and swamped it. You might be the a$$hole for not letting them ride it, but you are the a$$hole who doesn't have to pay a couple grand for an engine.


Yes, my balls tickled from that landing
Charlotte, NC
drown your cylinder is fogging oil or wd40 dont let your crank rust
mondays is gonna suck

East Coast.
alright. the electronics sound to be good but i cant get past the initial spark attempt. got to drag it over to the rents to get a longer spark plug extention. will do that will fog oil. wish me luck. keep the suggestions coming. could use all the help i could get.


Customizing addict
Macon, GA
For the record, I just diagnosed why my neighbors ski wouldn't run and it turned out that he swamped his ski july 4th and towed it out of the water and only cranked the ski until water quit coming out and then let it sit. 5 weeks later and it was rusted solid.

You need to get the water out, I'd change the oil too just in case. Then run that thing ASAP. 4 strokes are a lot tougher to clear than a 2 stroke but spit the water out no matter what.


Tasty Human
Summit Lake, WA
alright. the electronics sound to be good but i cant get past the initial spark attempt. got to drag it over to the rents to get a longer spark plug extention. will do that will fog oil. wish me luck. keep the suggestions coming. could use all the help i could get.

By "can't get past the initial spark attempt" do you mean you try to crank it over and it just seems to stop?


Air compresses in your cylinder to build combustion pressure, water does not compress, so if you try to crank it with water in your engine, you are going to be bending rods and valves and possibly the crank, plus all that water is going to go through your turbo, and that's bad too.


Site Supporter
I would also spray some wd 40 in any connection that got salt water in it.
It look like DAG thinks by putting fogging oil down your cylinders it will get to your crank. this is not the case on your 4 stroke. Change the oil in your ski asap and get that thing going.

Last thing is dont eve let rookies ride your ski. The golden rule I go by is if someone wants to ride my ski, they better have a ski to show me they know how to ride. No one learns to ride on any of my ski's.


Hi Ho Silver!
Birmingham, AL
You may need to check on PWC today in the Honda section. I have never had to deal with a sunk ski that had a turbo. If it is a non-turbo I would say to go ahead and do what everyone here has said so far. Remove plugs, keep spinning it over until you get the water out, change the oil , put in some fresh plugs and start it up (may take a few oil changes before oil ceases to be milky). If possible run the engine to help dry it up, then fog the pi$$ out of it. Let us know how it turns out.
East Coast.
alright so ripped the plugs and cranked. never thought that much water would fly through the air. kept cranking it till it was a fine mist which tasted more of the oil then the previous salt water. right now the oil is draining. problem is i dont have the right oil on hand to do the change. at this point i think just about any oil will be better than to wait. good point about the turbo. i thinki im going to have to ignore that until i get more time to research it. lots of fog oil coming next. hopefully i get lucky.
East Coast.
your right. yanked off a line leading from the turbo down near the bottom of the hull. gallons of water. looks like syphen will take all night to get the rest of the oil. i guess i will be planning on getting all the old oil out, putting fresh oil in, trying to get to turn over, then another oil change after i atleast know it will run. Any comments, suggestions???


Customizing addict
Macon, GA
Sounds like you're doing pretty good so far. I like the idea of new oil and then running it briefly before changing it again. Good call on checking the turbo as well.

Polish jet pilot

Warsaw, Poland
Be careful now! SEAPOO 4 tec engines have a strangley done intake manifold - you think you got all water out by spinning the engine, and there is still al ot of water inside - 10 min ride and kaaaabooom. Check this - maybe ubolt the intake on yours!
your gonna need to change the oil until you get the water out of the motor. siphon out the oil.... replace with fresh oil and repeat. your gonna need to do this about 3-4 times to get all the water out. then fresh plugs and filter and clean oil....


Not Dead - Notable Member
Hell, Florida
your gonna need to change the oil until you get the water out of the motor. siphon out the oil.... replace with fresh oil and repeat. your gonna need to do this about 3-4 times to get all the water out. then fresh plugs and filter and clean oil....

he's right, you need a special tool to siphon the oil. get some cheap oil for the oil changes and keep changing until the milky oil is all gone then put in your normal oil.


havin fun
clearwater FL
even if you do get it running it will most likely not last. a few do but the issue is there are parts of the drivetrain that don't get lubed when running - mainly the valvestems. this is where they seize up on most 4 strokes. one seizes even slightly and when the piston comes up it hits and bends the valve and now you are done. imagine if more than a few valves stick. backfires can happen and explode out the intake.

It is most definitely not a 2 stroke! you may as well start tearing it down now...
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