to make an educated decision, you really need to go to a freeride and ride a bunch of skis to really determine what suits you, otherwise your just guessing. Hull reviews are virtually worthless. I have been on the same hulls, just set up different and they all have their own attitude as far as handling. Different nozzles, different pumps, different motors, ride plate length, pole length, etc all plays a huge factor in how a particular ski will handle. I am not sure how my new bottom is going to be, although i think it will handle more like what i want, it may not be what another person will want. All inverse hulls are setup for 144 pumps. The intent was these hulls are for the good ol' basic yami power plant. Although you could drop a 1200 in an inverse; i just dont see the point. I am also of the opinion that a 155 pump is a waste of time and money for yami based powerplants. 155s are good only for 1000cc+ imo, i know others will say different, thats just been my experience.
Come spring time, id be more than happy to let you rip the new/old inverse hull...