I agree on the ease of finding a cheap Kawasaki pipe. As for the adapter plate, in something like an X2, you want all the room you can get. With the 701 in the hull, I'm having to smash the side in a little of my chamber to get it back to the headpipe. I think I would just buy the FPP manifold. They are $205 brand new. Then if you decide to go with a factory pipe, it will work. Otherwise if you get tired of switching around pipes, and want to get a Factory headpipe and chamber, you absolutely cannot get the headpipe to fit. The FP manifold is just universal.
On my old 780, I ran a Coffman Kawasaki manifold, with the Factory headpipe. I tried to fit a Factory headpipe onto my Yamaha 650 Coffman manifold, and it wasn't happening. If your sure you don't ever want to go with the Factory pipe, you can get a 650 Coffman manifold. It uses the exact same 3 bolt pattern all the Kawasaki's do. I was able to pick one up brand new from Coffman recently at a VERY nice price. I bought two actually.