i am sorry one of my post has led to this . to clarify more what is done in this situation . the customer purchases a stock ski new and a am hull to be built into a full blown boat . like said going to russia and other countries if you are sending a ski you need a legal vin or hin they dont like our own governemnt really understand or need to understand what are sports are doing to excell . so in order for a european to buy a boat you either remove the engine and you can ship with no hin or you buy a ski use the parts you need and use the hin . this ski does no thave to be purchased in the usa this is an international website and other countries could care less what we are doing here . these skis are menat for someone that has a ragged hull and wants to upgrade there hull and trash there old one or for export to do the same . i am straight forward by telling everyone this and the hin are attached currently which also makes them legal here . by the way guys b-pipes are for competition only as well. sorry to piss people off i am only trying to do good for me and others in the most fair way possible and others will not always agree but as you can see many people have vouched for my business ethics
Nice of you to chime in. But I hardley see where you had to. When you sell an OEM hull, you have ALWAYS noted "NO TITLE OR VIN#'s" What the person does with this hull and that knowledge is completely up to them if they chose to purchase the hull with that comment being CLEARLY STATED.
Why the hull is available or what you did with the title or VIN's is NONE of the purchasers freakn business. If you bought it, its now your decision or problem to deal with. If you need a VIN or Title then dont freakn buy the Dayum hull that has NIETHER!!!!!! Its like wining because the EMPTY HULL you bought is missing the motor!!!!!!! WTF??????? If what is being sold doesnt meet what you need, dont cry about it, move on and buy what you need. Good luck finding a BRAND NEW HULL with VIN's and Title though!
IMO Virgin is offering up a good service to peeps trying to fix an existing, damaged RN or upgrade from a SN. Either way NO one is hurt and the GOVERNMENT hasnt lost a penny in the transaction. You registered the initial ski and paid taxes on it too, so what you do to it or with it from there is none of the governments freakn busuiness IMO.
Good point on the "B" pipe BTW!!!!! Its illegal in ALL STATES that I know of!!! You runing one SKINAKED???????????????? If so you might want to call the law on Factory Pipe and remove it from your ski!!!!!!!