Super Jet Homemade Handle Pole Project

Over 16 revisions later...

And We've solved our last issue...

We weren't quite happy with the amount of flexure on the steering plate, so I set out to develop a simple brace that could be water jetted and added to the bottom of the plate and reduce the flexure. With the Aid of Solidworks and some optimization logic, we were able to come up with a brace that was as light weight as possible while still halving the displacement values of the steering plate in a torsion test.


This piece was manufactured and then welded in place on crfracr's Superjet to test our FEA results and the real world values are just what we wanted!

The design is now ready to be sold and we will be putting up a for sale ad by the end of the week! Happily we were able to keep everything within our $400 goal and that even includes powder coating.

Models we will be making this pole for are the following:

Round and Square nose Super Jet's
Kawasaki JS 440/550/550SX
Kawasaki 650SX
Kawasaki 750SX

Each pole is actually uniquely engineered for the specific model to optimize the fit and finish of the pole on the ski. This is done by making a detailed 3D model of the essential values on each respective hull. I then was able to design the pole in a purely CAD environment (after rechecking my hull model for accuracy) which allowed very quick reiterative work for optimization. We are not simply making a "1 size fit's all" design.

Each pole sits in the 5.5 - 6.5 pound range, model dependent.

We have also gotten interest from people looking to manufacture hull's on a small scale, so if there are any others out there in this business, we can help design a custom fitted pole for your haul.

For now, our fiber glassing needs are met, but if we cannot keep up with demand we may outsource to anyone of the people interested in helping.

More information about each pole and the parts included and needed will be made available on the official sale post in the classifieds. We will try and cater to both PWCtoday and X-H2O to reach out.
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Please invest in a tig if your serious about producing a nice clean pole

XJ - We are using a Tig machine.

The reason for the uneven weld pattern in the prototype was us dealing with unknown aluminum alloys for each piece. For the prototype, in order to produce it affordably, we sourced our metal from a local metal yard's "cut-offs" section. We also were playing around with shielding gas compositions in order to get the best weld penetration and possibly use less amperage on the welding machine. We've settled with a helium/argon mix to hold higher localized temperatures.

With our prototype we were unable to use the mix gas, and everything was welded with pure argon, which is why you see the more convex weld beads - don't let them fool you however, there was full weld penetration there, but the shielding gas is largely the reason why we were left with that bead formation. Helium has a much higher thermal conductivity value than that of the more common Argon - allowing the heat to transfer much easier to the base metal.

The use of mixed gasses is very common when dealing with aluminum thicker than 1/8" - which is what we are dealing with.

For our production run we will most likely be using a 25/75% mixture of helium/argon, which will give a much flatter and consistent weld bead.

While the use of a mixed shielding gas is beneficial - having all the same alloy material will help in the predictability of the welding as well!

Thanks for your concern XJ - earlier in the thread we had mentioned the use of the Tig process, but I can see how it would be easy to lose that in the 100+ reply's in this thread lol.


Arlington TX
This is a cool product, and I think you're defintely meeting a demand, and filling a niche in the market.
I was very excited about the $300 price point, and I can see in the quality and R&D why $400 isn't unfair, but it puts it just out of my comfort zone. I'm just one guy though.

You should make the block at the bottom of the pole (connected to pole pracket) smaller, it looks really bulky. But besides that nice work man.

I know you addressed this already, but I wanted to 'x2' what js/sj said. Would it be possible to reduce the 'point' just past the tubes? Perhaps make it a little shorter?
Never hurts to ask.

I wish you great success in this, and appreciate you taking the time to offer a good product to our small, niche sport.
This is a cool product, and I think you're definitely meeting a demand, and filling a niche in the market.
I was very excited about the $300 price point, and I can see in the quality and R&D why $400 isn't unfair, but it puts it just out of my comfort zone. I'm just one guy though.

Please send a private message to crfracr if you want to discuss what a more suitable price tag might be - We are trying to get the first 10 buyers in line soon so we can get a production run out the door!

I know you addressed this already, but I wanted to 'x2' what js/sj said. Would it be possible to reduce the 'point' just past the tubes? Perhaps make it a little shorter?
Never hurts to ask.

I wish you great success in this, and appreciate you taking the time to offer a good product to our small, niche sport.

I can look into this, I have a few ideas to smooth things out on the front side. I'm more of a function before form type of designer, but I can be swayed ;) For now, the product works great as is and I'm very hesitant to change anything for aesthetic reasons that may add weight, or unnecessarily complicate work for our welder...


formerly superjet444
Middle Georgia
I can look into this, I have a few ideas to smooth things out on the front side. I'm more of a function before form type of designer, but I can be swayed ;) For now, the product works great as is and I'm very hesitant to change anything for aesthetic reasons that may add weight, or unnecessarily complicate work for our welder...
I know that you guys are working your tails off and trying to keep the weight down as much as possible, but even if you fixed that bulk that they're talking about and at worst it added 4 full extra pounds, your still talking 3 or 4 pounds lighter than a RRP, while still at 1/3 the price. You guys are doing a great job and you will definitely get my business in the future.
I know that you guys are working your tails off and trying to keep the weight down as much as possible, but even if you fixed that bulk that they're talking about and at worst it added 4 full extra pounds, your still talking 3 or 4 pounds lighter than a RRP, while still at 1/3 the price. You guys are doing a great job and you will definitely get my business in the future.

Thanks for the kind words. Now there are a few people that have commented on the bottom being bulky. I personally don't think that it is, but doesn't matter what I think since I am not the one buying it. Again maybe its just me but there are a few people on here that could tell you that I have serious OCD. If it looked that bad I wouldnt want anything to do with it. I took this picture yesterday maybe it will have a better perspective on it?

photo 2.jpg
i know you already addressed this issue about the TIG, but are there any photos of a second one welded witht he correct shielding gas? i am fairly proficient in MIG and TIG myself and i understand the old saying that a pretty weld isnt always strong and a strong weld isnt always pretty. and i am very interested in one of these as they are very light and priced right....but there is something to be said for the look of a super clean TIG weld, or the traditional dropped Dimes if you will....thats honestly the one thing keeping me from ordering, they appear plenty strong but i also care about aesthetics, and id love to see one welded up the "new" way. otheriwse fantastic product and just the thought of a lighter pole then i can buy anywhere else for cheaper is awesome!
I guess at this point we will have to see what the designer can do to change the bottom portion. I don't feel adding a piece with two 45* angles will make it appear less bulky but I'm not sure much else can be done.


formerly superjet444
Middle Georgia

Aight man, here's my opionion and maybe a way to fix it. I suck at drawing any kind of art piece so hang with me...

Maybe where the bulk that people are talking about, kinda like the RRP pole, make the bulky piece more of a block shape( i tried to kind of raise it in the pic i drew) so it doesn't look like an angled bulky piece that just sticks up in the back and angles down where the pole bolt is. As with some AC pole that might would affect the clearance of some pole brackets, but will def take the bulky look out of it. The only problem with the bulk their talking about in my opinion is in your pics it doesn't look that bad b/c of your stock hood and nose piece being higher, but with an AM hull or lowered hood and nose, it would stick way up and be obvious b/c of how it would lay on top of the hood.

I'm really trying to figure this out b/c this pole if that bulk could get a little smaller, this pole would sell like you wouldn't believe. I would definitely be in and hope the technology continues.

I hope I'm not interfering with anything and being annoying, but just throwing my .02 out there to see what happens. Yall are doing a great job.

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