My advice is to immediately stop spending money. Ride what you have, develop your experience and style identify specific limitations, base upgrades on that. People will say spend, SPEND, SPEND!!!!! but its a bunch of insanity. Thee is so much riding to be done between your first ski purchase and your first backflip, why miss out?
People swear by things like reinforcements, limiting ropes, etc, but ive put hundreds of hours on my superjet without them with no issues (i acknowledge i ride like a p****). Ive only gone over the pole once subbing in a few hundred attempts, and that time youd have thought i was trying to do a front flip not a sub. Limiting ropes are cheap, so get one when you want to nose stab (i leave out the stab part and just 180, dont want to invest more since im still struggling to ride). You can probably learn to roll without reinforcement on flatwater, so you could save it for when you start going off boat wakes and surf.
My personal experience was this. I was new and encountered 2 kinds of people primarily. The people who were much more advanced riders than i and needed things i did not yet need, or peple who listened to the first then over engineered and told me i needed things i did not need. It resulted in extra time with wrenches, extra money spent, and less time on the water.
A personal example for you, is spending a lot of money on a pole. Yes, it an be cut, but you could have bought an adapter for $50 and shorten the pole for free, had similar results and a lot more money in your pocket for trips to free ride events, buying beer to trade for am hull test rides, or a hull that could come with a lot of those parts anyway.