how would u clean this

no pressure washer! it will tear that ski up! trust me i done it before... use some fast orange spray it let it sit spray again wipe off, but really i screwed a hull up with a pressure washer dont take the chance..

the WaTeRhAwK

fryin' up a/m electrics..
no pressure washer! it will tear that ski up! trust me i done it before... use some fast orange spray it let it sit spray again wipe off, but really i screwed a hull up with a pressure washer dont take the chance..

yeah, you can flatten a tire with one, too. if you get any part of your body too close to the end of the nozzel, it will cut you open like a knife.
an airless paint system is the same way.
no pressure washer! it will tear that ski up! trust me i done it before... use some fast orange spray it let it sit spray again wipe off, but really i screwed a hull up with a pressure washer dont take the chance..

interesting I used a pressure washer (mine is 2100psi) and didn't do anything other then clean it
interesting I used a pressure washer (mine is 2100psi) and didn't do anything other then clean it

he is saying you can't use the high pressure nozzle on the end or else the hull paint will just chip off. use it at the widest setting so there is the least amount of pressure on any given point at one time.. THIS gets the grease off very well. :wiggle:
i did this to my x-2. i fauked up the hull paint so bad befor switching tips that i needed to take a raddle can to it..
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he is saying you can't use the high pressure nozzle on the end or else the hull paint will just chip off. use it at the widest setting so there is the least amount of pressure on any given point at one time.. THIS gets the grease off very well. :wiggle:
i did this to my x-2. i fauked up the hull paint so bad befor switching tips that i needed to take a raddle can to it..

I used the pencil beam I guess you would call in on engine bay and again no issue. Stock superjets don't have engine bay paint, Justins does on the other hand so the powerwasher would be good for it because the paint isn't looking good anyways. He also doesn't have hull paint only turf. Now I could see the power washer cutting the turf.
buy two boxes of magic erasers and use homecare labs greased lightning. rinse erasers sponges often. they will come apart quickly, so you will go thru at least 6-8 doing the entire inside of the hull. they are very cheap and work wonders!

the WaTeRhAwK

fryin' up a/m electrics..
just spray the inside of the thing with oven cleaner, let is set for about 15 minutes, spray it down again, then rinse it. that stuff will strip anything off of there. I've been using oven cleaner for years, never had a problem with it eating smc. it eats the hell out of grease and carbon buildup in expansion chambers.

don't breathe the stuff though, it's a very caustic acid, and it will also burn your skin. when you spray it, make sure you are up wind from the spray, and also be careful when you're rinsing it out. don't splash the rinse on you or in your eyes. wear saftey goggles, long sleeve shirt, etc...
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well i did a little cleaning today and this is how far i got with a

oven cleaner/ ajax combo

my hull was originally spray painted High heat Black

another question, what would take this black spray paint off??

or is it ok to just paint over it because i scrubbed the $hit outta it?



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the WaTeRhAwK

fryin' up a/m electrics..
whatever you do, do NOT use a paint stripper on it, it will eat into the resin of the hull. when you're using different kinds of cleaners, be very careful of the types of cleaners you mix together. some of them don't go together very well and can cause serious emergency health problems. for example: bleach mixed with pine-sol is a big no no. it will make a gas that will try and suffocate you. if you are going to use more than one type of cleaner at a time, be sure they will go together without making noxious gas fumes. but as I stated with the oven cleaner, that stuff is noxious and caustic all on it's own.

how did you use the oven cleaner? did you spray it in there, let is set for 15 minutes, spray it down again, and then rinse? that's how you're supposed to use it. you shouldn't have to "scrub" anything with that stuff.

also, comet is bleach-based, and it's probably not a good idea to mix it with oven cleaner.
he he whoops, well im done now and im still breathing, im an 18 year old young buck and my lungs have seen better lol

can i just spray ober that now that i scrubbed and cleaned it??

or do i have to get rid of all the old paint?

the WaTeRhAwK

fryin' up a/m electrics..
he he whoops, well im done now and im still breathing, im an 18 year old young buck and my lungs have seen better lol

can i just spray ober that now that i scrubbed and cleaned it??

or do i have to get rid of all the old paint?

you mean paint it? or do you mean spray more oven cleaner on it?

you can spray the oven cleaner on it, but it probably won't eat the paint too well. if you're gong to paint the inside of the hull, use an epoxy-based fuel resistant paint like appliance paint, etc... it's kinda like gelcoat, it's just not a tough.
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