how would u clean this

the WaTeRhAwK

fryin' up a/m electrics..
yeah im talking about to paint it, is it clean enough?

or should i try to get more of the existing paint off?

if it's on there pretty good and not real thick, it's probably not a problem if you're going to paint over it. if you're determined to get it all off, you might try some kind of a citrus-based paint stripper that will not harm the resin in the fiberglass.

the WaTeRhAwK

fryin' up a/m electrics..
...and chop off your testicles, join a talentless noisy death metal band, make your upper torso/neck/head resemble a penis with mirrored 70's cop glasses, talk about the most retarded things you could possibly think of and call yourself travis.


yeah, and you'll turn charlie on in ways he's never experienced before, and he'll become so obsessed with you and want you inside him soooooo bad that he will collect and save pictures of you, and photoshop them with your face sitting on top of gay people he admires, while he pervs to
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