A bunch of babies?
for trying to see whats really going on?
and now you want to " take your ball and run home!"
jeebus man, who is acting like the baby here.
the numbers posted by GP in his post are the yamaha numbers you quoted.
if that isnt the crank you sent, go prove that!
the mitutoyo digimatic caliper used in those pics has a lcd resolution of 0.01mm, that is 0.000393701"
so not as accurate as your 0.0001, but far more accurate than the 0.001 you assumed.
IM not simply trying to stir the pot here, im curious as to why this problem occured, and whats going with it.
No need for all the attitude and ego, really.
I'm putting this post up for all of you that think these measurments are inncorrect. (1) I used a vernier micrometer that measures to .0001". A standard micrometer measures .001".So i'm not the one who needs to check my decimal place, you do!!. Just for facts i'm putting all my numbes up for all of you to check my math!Yamaha crank measures 2.8350"-2.8355".Sbt crank measured 2.8365"-2.8390". so therfore 2.8365" - 2.8350" = .0015". next
2.8390" - 2.8355" = .0035". hence the #'s .0015" - .0035".is this not correct??????????. Please get your own calculator out and figure them for yourselves!!!!For a man who has done 80,000 cranks these #'s should not be a problem????? I would gladly come to sbt and show you guys how to measure things but what are the odds i would get the orriginal crank in my hands????? The way of doing bussiness in america used to be " the customer is always right!" Now i would have to say it's more like " anything for a buck".
I am deffinetly dissapointed at all of this and will have second thoughts of ever buying a sbt product again as well as sharing any information on this board!!!This whole thing has been a nightmare and it's completely uncalled for!you all have fun being a bunch of babies!!! out for good!!-----EWok:bs2: