How's this for a nights work?


lone wolf
when this crank was brought back fron sbt the day bill and ewok drove down there it was at my house for a couple hrs before it went back to scott.out of curiosity i tried to set it into a set of flawless cases of my own.maybe im incompetent but i have assembled a few yamaha motors and i have never had a crank rock in the cases as this one did.if you count the cases that scott has then this would make the 5th set of cases that crank didnt fit.

If ewok and idok won't come, then you can come and claim the reward. I suggest you bring your set of cases that the crank won't fit into because I can't find any around here that don't fit. Show me it rocks, and the bounty is yours.

Greg Pickren

(BTW, how do you guys come up with these names?)
Sflsurfrider in the SBT! I thought the first time we were going to meet was going to be in court. If they won't come, you're the man. Bring your brownies. It will be a good chance to get in tight with Steph. She likes sweets.

Greg Pickren
Some of you guys are on crack. Step back and take a deep breath for a minute and think about things. If anyone goes over to SBT and brings their own cases or uses whoever's cases, of course the F'in crank is going to fit. If I am a business owner making this offer you can believe that no matter who comes I am going to have a crank that fits in any Yama cases. Will anyone ever know which is the original crank? Now that the situation is what it is some people learned what they needed to. Let it go at that. I personally know Butti, Ewok, and Idok and can tell you they have gotten more in depth into engines than I have. They are not idiots and could tell if something did not fit correctly. As far as the measurements, I will not comment on that. BUT as far as the basic method of sticking a crank in some cases and seeing if it rocks or not........... if some of you members are questioning them on that then if I was them, I would take that as a direct insult. Come on to Daytona in Jan. and see the real people that are serious about PWC riding and wrenching!!!! In the surf month after month and keeping their PWC ready for it. After you meet them, then question their capabilities in PERSON.


lone wolf

If ewok and idok won't come, then you can come and claim the reward. I suggest you bring your set of cases that the crank won't fit into because I can't find any around here that don't fit. Show me it rocks, and the bounty is yours.

Greg Pickren

(BTW, how do you guys come up with these names?)

sorry greg but after the bullchit story about one of the bearings feeling gritty and we are gonna send you a new one i dont beleive we will ever see THAT crank again.i used to defend sbt when someone without first hand experience would bash because i have had such good luck with your products in the past.i now feel let down that i can no longer trust your(sbt's) integrity

ps:screen names are easy:biggthumpup: for you im thinking "big pickre"


the offender
crank measurments

I'm putting this post up for all of you that think these measurments are inncorrect. (1) I used a vernier micrometer that measures to .0001". A standard micrometer measures .001".So i'm not the one who needs to check my decimal place, you do!!. Just for facts i'm putting all my numbes up for all of you to check my math!Yamaha crank measures 2.8350"-2.8355".Sbt crank measured 2.8365"-2.8390". so therfore 2.8365" - 2.8350" = .0015". next
2.8390" - 2.8355" = .0035". hence the #'s .0015" - .0035".is this not correct??????????. Please get your own calculator out and figure them for yourselves!!!!For a man who has done 80,000 cranks these #'s should not be a problem????? I would gladly come to sbt and show you guys how to measure things but what are the odds i would get the orriginal crank in my hands????? The way of doing bussiness in america used to be " the customer is always right!" Now i would have to say it's more like " anything for a buck".
I am deffinetly dissapointed at all of this and will have second thoughts of ever buying a sbt product again as well as sharing any information on this board!!!This whole thing has been a nightmare and it's completely uncalled for!you all have fun being a bunch of babies!!! out for good!!-----EWok:bs2:


Shootin' The Crap
sharing any information on this board!!!

you all have fun being a bunch of babies!!! out for good!!-----EWok:bs2:

Damn!!! :bigeyes:

Chill just a little---I can understand your frustration to an extent, but few (if any) people here want to see you leave this site over this situation.


havin fun
clearwater FL
why does everybody assume that this is all about who is pointing at who? I don't care squat about who knows what, I would just like the two sides to go into a room and figure out how they can not see the same thing.

GP, go to idok and bring the crank and a video camera and if it rocks give him his gaskets and seals and whatever else is called for, if it doesn't get a vid of an apology and an endorsement for SBT while putting stickers on their skis!

I think That is clearly the other glove coming off!
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ISJWTA member #2
NW Arkansas
A bunch of babies?

for trying to see whats really going on?

and now you want to " take your ball and run home!"

jeebus man, who is acting like the baby here.

the numbers posted by GP in his post are the yamaha numbers you quoted.

if that isnt the crank you sent, go prove that!

the mitutoyo digimatic caliper used in those pics has a lcd resolution of 0.01mm, that is 0.000393701"

so not as accurate as your 0.0001, but far more accurate than the 0.001 you assumed.

IM not simply trying to stir the pot here, im curious as to why this problem occured, and whats going with it.

No need for all the attitude and ego, really.

I'm putting this post up for all of you that think these measurments are inncorrect. (1) I used a vernier micrometer that measures to .0001". A standard micrometer measures .001".So i'm not the one who needs to check my decimal place, you do!!. Just for facts i'm putting all my numbes up for all of you to check my math!Yamaha crank measures 2.8350"-2.8355".Sbt crank measured 2.8365"-2.8390". so therfore 2.8365" - 2.8350" = .0015". next
2.8390" - 2.8355" = .0035". hence the #'s .0015" - .0035".is this not correct??????????. Please get your own calculator out and figure them for yourselves!!!!For a man who has done 80,000 cranks these #'s should not be a problem????? I would gladly come to sbt and show you guys how to measure things but what are the odds i would get the orriginal crank in my hands????? The way of doing bussiness in america used to be " the customer is always right!" Now i would have to say it's more like " anything for a buck".
I am deffinetly dissapointed at all of this and will have second thoughts of ever buying a sbt product again as well as sharing any information on this board!!!This whole thing has been a nightmare and it's completely uncalled for!you all have fun being a bunch of babies!!! out for good!!-----EWok:bs2:


havin fun
clearwater FL
Right on Mouth! If you believe they are both right then it is important to see what is the discrepancy here. Nobody is really a winner in this so I can't see what all the posturing is about, or how it would be worth all this just to save face. If it was a mistake on either side it would have been in there best interest to just say hey I f'd up. it happens. but since both are so deadset in being right, for the sake of arguement- how is it possible that they both are? waiting to find out......

Remember it the crank does not fit, you must aquit!(sp)


lone wolf
I'm putting this post up for all of you that think these measurments are inncorrect. (1) I used a vernier micrometer that measures to .0001". A standard micrometer measures .001".So i'm not the one who needs to check my decimal place, you do!!. Just for facts i'm putting all my numbes up for all of you to check my math!Yamaha crank measures 2.8350"-2.8355".Sbt crank measured 2.8365"-2.8390". so therfore 2.8365" - 2.8350" = .0015". next
2.8390" - 2.8355" = .0035". hence the #'s .0015" - .0035".is this not correct??????????. Please get your own calculator out and figure them for yourselves!!!!For a man who has done 80,000 cranks these #'s should not be a problem????? I would gladly come to sbt and show you guys how to measure things but what are the odds i would get the orriginal crank in my hands????? The way of doing bussiness in america used to be " the customer is always right!" Now i would have to say it's more like " anything for a buck".
I am deffinetly dissapointed at all of this and will have second thoughts of ever buying a sbt product again as well as sharing any information on this board!!!This whole thing has been a nightmare and it's completely uncalled for!you all have fun being a bunch of babies!!! out for good!!-----EWok:bs2:

come on now E isnt that comment a little like the pot calling the kettle a thumbsucker:boggled:
A bunch of babies?

for trying to see whats really going on?

and now you want to " take your ball and run home!"

jeebus man, who is acting like the baby here.

the numbers posted by GP in his post are the yamaha numbers you quoted.

if that isnt the crank you sent, go prove that!

the mitutoyo digimatic caliper used in those pics has a lcd resolution of 0.01mm, that is 0.000393701"

so not as accurate as your 0.0001, but far more accurate than the 0.001 you assumed.

IM not simply trying to stir the pot here, im curious as to why this problem occured, and whats going with it.

No need for all the attitude and ego, really.

Repeatability and accuracy of that caliper is bareley a .001

I have been through similar issues in the past where I wish I had marked my product so I could tell later that it was the same.
Nobody will ever know so let it go
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ISJWTA member #2
NW Arkansas
you are correct.

however, how many times did he need to measure that bearing?

Is it your theory that the mis-use of that caliper is the basis for all of this trouble?

If you notice, my first post on the subject, I suggested the use of a pie tape. which in my fairly limited experience has been a good way to measure diameters.

Repeatability and accuracy of that caliper is bareley a .001

I have been through similar issues in the past where I wish I had marked my product so I could tell later that it was the same.
Nobody will ever know so let it go


ISJWTA member #2
NW Arkansas
Will .001 even make a noticable wabble in the case?

I doubt it.

I think there is more at stake here for some folks, and the actual 'problem' is being obscured by lack of facts, and side arguments.

I am NOT a fan of SBT.

But Im even less a fan of unsubstantiated crap.

I wish someone would quantify and explain the discrepancies here.

or better yet, just say its drama, and we can all get over it.
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