How's this for a nights work?

Yes, yes sir I did. And I am not trying to start anything, I don't know the people involved personnally, have done business with SBT with no issues, and am in every way possible that I can think of not biased. I just want to understand how someone with obviously way more technical skill than is necessary can find that they cannot fit the crank properly and then SBT cannot find the SAME thing. If the crank fit with no issues why did they not just drop it in and ship it back with a note saying,"here it works"? If it was bad, why not tell us what the problem was?

Sorry to keep dragging this on and I apologize if I missed, forgot, misread, or plain just don't see that it was spelled out already. I am just trying to understand what the PROBLEM was. There must have been one if they sent a totally different crank. right?

believe me bro.....thats the ENTIRE reason for this thread......

here's the latest:
I received the SBT box last night (cases and crank...NO GASKETS OR SEALS :rolleyes: :lame: )

i went out tonite and cracked open the box...I take out the crank and just :bigeyes:
there is no way that the laby on this crank is the same one as the other. THERE IS NO WAY. the one I have now has more of the "machined" appearance as the OE crank does.....
the previous crank looked as if it were cast...GP said it was sandblasted....

but this way, no how, no chance is it the same as the other....I could tell that before I even opened up the bag....It not only looks different, but there is significantly less unevenness between the divider and the bearings......

so the million dollar question.....does it fit?

yup...this one fits, no rocking...went in nice and smooth


one of the pins is now too short :angryfire: (the first pin that is forward of the laby), so the bearing has nothing to grab on to.....the others seat nicely, but this one spins freely .....sigh.

so, Greg.....I want to be done with this.

How bout sending me some locator pins and the 2 gasket/seal kits im out ( 1 for a 62T and 1 for an 61X motor) and everyone has a great rest of the week.....


havin fun
clearwater FL
Who me? Just Tom, I live in Clearwater, I have a 97 SJ and I love engines. Sorry if my interest is annoying some of you. I am used to getting wrecked motors and having ot find out what happened so I am absolutely sure that it is fixed before going back together.

From the way it sounds the laby is just a floating collar with some grooves inside to help seal it to the crank. if it is in the center of the case, how does one get damaged or warped? just trying to understand what is up here.


the offender
crank sagga?????

here is a reply to the ongoing crank oppera!for tom21,the problem since the beginning was a bad labby on the crank we received.The labby on this orriginal crank didn't fit any cases we tried it on.The new crank fits the cases.
So the labby on the crank was no good!!!I just talked to idok and things appear to be alright.He said he could see the difference in the labby as soon as he opened the box.He also said that one of the locater pins was too short nd didn't hold the bearing in place.he also told me they didn't send him any gaskets either?Hope fully they will send scott some gasket sets and some new pins so we can get this motor together!That's all for now folks!!!

Later on i hope???_____________ewok:fingersx:


havin fun
clearwater FL
was the lab seal crank that didn't fit running in you ski already? I believe I saw that GP said a bearing was a little crusty. and they would send you a fresh crank under your warranty. I think I also saw that someone said (can't remember who- too lazy to look) yo can pull the pin up a bit or push it down to suit your needs. Any help there?


havin fun
clearwater FL

Here's what we found:

1) The crank dimensions are fine. The laby is OE Yamaha and measures exactly the same as the 50 or so we measured last week (2.835"). All of the bearing OD's also measure good (2.834").

2) We cannot make the crank "rock". We case checked it in your case and our own test case and we find no problems with it. The holes in the bearings are within spec and are not interfering with the case pins.

3) The case halves you are using are in pretty bad shape. As my technical manager said, "we throw away cases better than that". We are going to try and clean them up for you. You have a lot of deposits and corrosion on the bearing surfaces that could be causing some of the "rocking" you have been noticing. You also have some hardened case sealant on the rear seal surface of the lower case half that needs to be removed for the seal to fit properly. We will get it off for you. I personally think the condition of your cases might be contributing to the engine failures that you have had.

4) You have one pin in your case that is ground flush. I realize that you mistakenly ground that pin flush after talking to our tech guys and we will put a new pin in it for you.

5) The end bearing on the crank feels a little rough to us (like there may be some debris in it) and we suppose it's from one of the previous engine failures. It probably would be OK, but we are going to utilize our one year fault free warranty policy and give you another crank.

6) So in summary, you are going to get a new crank from SBT and we will give it our best shot at refurbishing the case halves that you sent to us. We will test the new crank with the refurbished cases and make sure that it does not rock before shipping it back to you.

Greg Pickren

Ewok, I see that GP put up what they measured... what is the measurement you came up with, the same? larger?

They also could not get it to rock, possible some chit was in the hole or junk on the case? oops I see they said it was crusty. maybe that was it? Not knocking just asking.
Ewok, I see that GP put up what they measured... what is the measurement you came up with, the same? larger?

They also could not get it to rock, possible some chit was in the hole or junk on the case? oops I see they said it was crusty. maybe that was it? Not knocking just asking.

this crank fit the same way in THREE sets of cases (ie rocking)


havin fun
clearwater FL
maybe some crap was stuck in the hole or on the bearing and you carried it case to case to case?

Not being argumentative just trying to understand. For me the complicated stuff is easy to avercome because you reallymake sure it is right, its always the simple things that catch me offguard.

Built a whole Ford motor once and did everything perfectly except............forgot to put the rear main seal in. Pull the motor, tap, tap, tap done. Not everyone can build the motor, but I am pretty sure a monkey wiht a hammer could put the seal in.:dunno:


South Jersey
From re-reading Greg's conclusion, he did in fact say he was going to supply you guys with a new crank. It should have been no surprise when it showed up at your door. I'm still lost as to what the problem was though. As Tom had asked, what measurements have you come up with on this new crank? Do they differ from the original?



havin fun
clearwater FL
No we mean what was the "rocking cranks" measurements, the ones you guys took repeatedly and in multiple places to determine the .0035 or whatever it was variance in sixe. you must of written it down somewhere cause you Said you called SBT and gave them the measurements on more than one occasion.


Twin's Rule Dude!
Crystal River Ff
Read this whole post.. looks like you need to check that laberinth seal dia. before ever installing a crank... it may also be machined to small and let gases bypass to the other cylinder ...

note....The W/R's used a spring steel ring centered on the laberinth ,that sat also in a groove cut into the case... this enabled it to float, that could fit under or over sizes.I guess this is not used anymore...


South Jersey
didnt measure it...I could tell just by looking at it that it would fit......opened it up, and it dropped right in.....

now we have to deal with the locator pins.....

How could you tell just by looking at it? If we're talking 0.0035" or something that small, I don't think my eyes are that good?

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