lol copy and paste from momar,in the comments sec at the bottom of this story...pretty much sums it up.
The entire blame for no new 4 stroke standups from any oem except belassi is the out of touch united states race promoters who have no clue where the new money is! The new money is in edm events such as electric daisy which brings 700 million to vegas for a 3 day event! This new money is kids in college and just getting out of college! There is a couple of hundred thousand very attractive girls barely dressed in neon at edc! This is what attracts new money! The only women at a american jet ski race is collateral damage of family and relationships! So no chicks, no new money, no new standup!!! On the other hand the uim which has there own race series and world championship is combining there racing with large scale edm events with a show stopper in ibiza the party island, the edm island, the island crawling with hundreds of thousands of hot chicks either dressed in neon or barley dressed at all dancing all over the island! The uim gets it, they understand where and how new money works! Thousands of hot chicks, which draws out brand new money which could cause growth and if the united states race promoters team up with the giant edm promoters we could have new four stroke standups from loads of oems! You asked what killed the standup, The american race promoters killed the standup with there anti growth campaign, there anti cool campaign, there borefest events and antiquated tracks and no hot chicks other then collateral damage girls,