Interesting SBT it before deleted


freeride junkie
north palm beach
first off, i am inclined to agree with whtbread. i don't have anything to hide either, but it is a "private message" or make it known that they can and will read them so theres no sneakyness going on..

as fas as their quality goes from a professional standpoint i think its crap. let me give you all some facts. i have worked on motorcycles and watercraft for almost 20 years. i went to mmi in orlando quite a few years ago, to prove that i was serious about making it a profession. since then i have really enjoyed working on watercraft even more so than bikes. i worked as a watercraft technician for several years at a very well known yamaha dealer that used to get sbt motors for customers who could'nt afford to replace there motors with oem for whatever reason.. we had too many comebacks on those motors and ate alot of time and money pulling them out and sending them back. so they have stopped using sbt.

now i have a friend that has his own watercraft repair shop, he swears by sbt motors and uses them often, with very little problems. occasionally, he'll get one or two with problems but all in all has had a good experience with them.

i had the opportunity to tour their plant and operations several years ago. i don't know if anthing has changed since then as far as staffing, but lets just say that the assemblers probably did'nt even know what quality control is much less how to say it..

ya know it just goes to show you get what you pay for, and people that think the dealer is outragously priced doesn't realize the quality that they are paying for. not to say that they could'nt be more competitive with there pricing..anyway just my 5 cents worth..
He didn't like me accusing him of reading PM's on that thread, almost got banned :-x Post was removed twice, truth hurts I guess.
Hey guys - I just stumbled onto this thread....and as many of you know, I have a foot in both "camps" - I'm not only a board member here, but also a SuperMod "over there"....I'm not trying to defend anyone, but I do have to tell you - none of the admins on that site have any access to PM's.

I just went and double checked. No way, no how.

Sure, there's an add-on available to the application, but the site isn't running it. I can also tell you that one of your members here was responsible for a security breech....I am terribly disappointed in this individual and cannot figure out why they would do such a thing, but whatever.....

Carry on - post away - I just felt I should tell you the truth. I have nothing to gain, and probably a lot to lose, but thought you should know what's really up.

I'm Switzerland on all the other stuff - totally neutural.

I can also tell you that one of your members here was responsible for a security breech....I am terribly disappointed in this individual and cannot figure out why they would do such a thing, but whatever.....

well, who?!?!?! spill the beans!!!!!
Lisa, no offense, but the link that I posted:

Is the only proof needed.

Try making up a random link behind admincp, you'll get a 404 not found error. You can't make this stuff up.

Remember, a "Super Moderator" on a forum is NOT equal to an Administrator, or for that matter, a Super Administrator, which has even more permissions. Modifications like that can be set to allow only certain usergroups to have such permissions. I will tell you with 100% confidence that SBT would not give moderators permission to read PM's.

SBT DOES read PM's, I know this, because they know information that was sent to one VERY trusted person that I sent via PM.

Between that, and the link above, it is undeniable.

There have been no security breeches, just sharing of information.
Hi J,

Thanks for the feedback....if this is true (and I'm not saying your being dishonest by any means), then I am exceptionally disappointed.

There have been no security breeches, just sharing of information.

But, I can tell you without a doubt, there was a security breech - and the individual has been banned perm. Trust him as far as you can toss him =/

I wish you luck with your motor issue. I don't have any personal experince with a replacement motor situation (we just blow them up and rebuild from scratch...LOL!) but I remember back in the day when we didn't know any better and took them to "watercraft mechanics" - weeks later, and $$$$ we'd finally get back on the water. Very frustrating.

This whole thing sux,

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So apparently all admins for any php bb/forum (like this one) can read PM's. Jett, you guys don't pull that kinda stuff here do you?

I'm feelin' kinda violated, but then again, I'm the type of person who says what they have to say to a person's face. Anything I say in PM, I'd own up to in person as well. Either way, like I said, it all sux.
it totally and completely explains everything to me.

why would anybody put such slimey practices past SBT? especially when you take into consideration of bryans shytti attitude, the trigger happy ban button clicking and the other nazi-like shyt that comes from SBT

as far as im concerned, anybody that defends SBTs actions are just as slimey as SBT.

I am not accusing anyone on PWCToday of anything, but let me ask you this.

Why would SBT have the same IP address as 99_gprider, Arny, and Flynwr250. If you recall these three member were publically attacking Javier and defending SBT. I would like to know if this is a mere coinkindink or not.

Thank You.


all i can say is i am not suprised
how crappy , maybe brian will be finding a new job soon. this kind of negative publicity can't make the owner of any co. happy . i would be absolutly fire happy after getting wind of this kind of crap

not sure what sbt paid to purchase that site but it has to be less than the negative vibe and potential loss in sales this whole drama is stirring up

I am not accusing anyone on PWCToday of anything, but let me ask you this.

Why would SBT have the same IP address as 99_gprider, Arny, and Flynwr250. If you recall these three member were publically attacking Javier and defending SBT. I would like to know if this is a mere coinkindink or not.

Thank You.

Honestly, I don't know.

I moderate there because I've been involved with the sport for quite some time and do what I can to help the race promoters and any else wishing to promote the sport out. I work as a course marshall for the promoters in Region one and two, and on the National tour, and assist with freerides, such as the Smashing Pismo gig. Sure, I love to give everyone a hard time, but in the end, I do this stuff for the love of the sport.

Please know I personally had nothng in the world to do with that post - which I only just saw for the first time late last night - and have never ever looked at (no do I have the capability to) look at anyone's PM's over there.
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Bryan's title should be "Site Manipulator",not "Administrator"!
It has to be tearing him up inside that he can't just push his little button and delete/hide these postings on this site.A character like that,put into his position of power,cannot just sit back and see all the rantings about his behavior and abuse of power,without boiling over inside.
You all know that he is reading everything that is posted on this site,and is using every last bit of self-restraint from posting here to try to defend his actions.
It has been revealed about his reading peoples PM's,and using that info to his advantage.It doesn't take a detective to figure out who posted those remarks under old,inactive accounts on their site.Then to have him step-in as the hero by declaring them exposed and now banned!
More examples of his efforts to increase the size of his already swelled head.
By now,at this point of his internal turmoil,he is probably A-Trying to convince his boss of buying this site,and erasing all traces of SBT's negative actions,or B-Trying to convince his boss of getting an attorney to stop the negative bashing of SBT by closing down this site!
Although SBT has history of bad product departing from their facility,when you add the fact of an administrator who now can't be trusted,all the bad karma that results is due to their own actions.
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