internal fuel fill... homemade


Grand Rapids, MI
ArtMaybee said:
mine uses the stock seal and screws.. stays airtight. It always releases vacuum when I loosen the cap. I did this mod a year ago and it still seals GREAT.

just drill your pilot holes for the screws SMALL...

Art's got it right.
Stock seal, small holes, and stock screws.

orange flattop freestyler

The Carlsberg ski
Essex UK
I did put some RTV sealer on mine but very sparingly.

If you can get it to seal without then thats cool, if not then a very thin smear wont hurt.

Lol at "bling bling warning" :biggrin:


Matakana Menace
I used the stock seal and the stock screws, but still chose the 5200 it to the top of the tank.

It's not like you are going to need to take it off for any reason.:wink:
Stupid question because I have seen it in here and PWCT at least 500 times but......who makes 5200? Does WalMart have it? Auto parts store?


MADMAT said:
I think this was freestylegeeks setup.

Second pic is my setup :27: .
I also like you used the first pic as a model but wanted to be able to keep the stock strap on at the same place without removing the stock rib that hold it.

If you measure it carefully you can find enough space to fit it the way I did and leave one of the rib on the tank.

If you need measurement i can take them once I'm back from xslide island next week. :wink:

let me know.
be careful when grinding down the ribs. only grind what will not be exposed as they are hollow and will leave a big "rib shaped" hole in your tank.


I use a thumb throttle.
springfield, mo
MADMAT said:
Stupid question because I have seen it in here and PWCT at least 500 times but......who makes 5200? Does WalMart have it? Auto parts store?

I had a hard time finding the 5200 too. walmart does have it. no one could help me find it when i asked. I ended up finding it back in the marine department by camping. its white with light blue lettering in a tube about 6 inches tall. its in a package so it will probable be hanging.


Warsaw, IN
Rickster said:
I wouls also cut the fuel filler down a bit, so you are able to fill the tank the tank with more fuel.

There is about 2" of the top of the tank that I cannot fill.

drill a couple holes at the top of the filler neck, then air can still vent and let you get more fuel in.


steals hub caps from cars
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at peace
I have my Total Loss brain mounted on the tank, so this mod is out for me.
I simply loosen the hose clamp on the pickup and pull that off to fill up.
It's not that much of a hassle.


Katie's Boss
100% one place
I have never understood this mod. I wouldn't want to take the hood off just to fill up with fuel. Plus I would miss that pretty rainbow in the water.



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at peace
Meh...I fuel up every two to three hours. Popping the hood isn't a big deal - in fact, even without refueling I do this occasionally just to check on things.


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Cleveland Ohio
I am divided about this mod... I don't like takin my hood off either... especially with my hood straps.

I've got it all apart though so I will probably do it... what do I do with the old filler tube? How do I close it off?


steals hub caps from cars
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at peace
Go to any plumbing store, and spend 3 bucks on a rubber block off cap of the proper size.
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