Is the sport / market declining?

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
What part of "market declining" do you have trouble understanding which affects the sport?

Thread title:

Is the sport / market declining?​

Sport/Market in this topic is referring to cough.... Jetskiing.... it's not just me, you see others getting fed up.... this is a jetski website. Let's keep it to just jetskiing.
As the economy declines and people go broke, the high dollar freestyle stuff declines. Even the price of whole running average skis goes down drastically. I've seen several trends in the market over the last 20+ years I've been living it. We are now back in the era where a ski is worth more in parts than as a whole. Possibly because it's easier to come up with a few hundred or a few thousand dollars than many thousands for a complete ski. Another reason that there is a comeback of old beater 440s 550s 650s x2s and crap I wouldn't throw a leg over. I'm still thankful to all my buyers of that junk tho since I got lots still

WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
Move from Commiefornia and most of the doom, gloom and despair will most likely dissipate .

The following has been a public service announcement , those triggered by this announcement may call 1-800- OICU-DGAF to file a Karen complaint .
As the economy declines and people go broke, the high dollar freestyle stuff declines. Even the price of whole running average skis goes down drastically. I've seen several trends in the market over the last 20+ years I've been living it. We are now back in the era where a ski is worth more in parts than as a whole. Possibly because it's easier to come up with a few hundred or a few thousand dollars than many thousands for a complete ski. Another reason that there is a comeback of old beater 440s 550s 650s x2s and crap I wouldn't throw a leg over. I'm still thankful to all my buyers of that junk tho since I got lots still
I recently got back on a 650sx and a 750sx. I took some time to get my sense of balance back after riding Superjets and a Rickter. The "better" hulls will make you lazy.
I recently got back on a 650sx and a 750sx. I took some time to get my sense of balance back after riding Superjets and a Rickter. The "better" hulls will make you lazy.
Absolute hot take. Superjets and rickters are better in every single way and it’s not even close.
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The old boats are more difficult to stay on top of. That makes them interesting to ride again, just like they were over 30 years ago. Superjets need a lot of power, A/M hulls need even more power than that. An SXR 1500 need to be going 60 before its as exiting as getting out of bed. A new 12' couch have over 300HP and feel like driving my grandmas Camry.

Half flip95

Formerly pondracer95
I'm smelling what you're stepping in. Sometimes different is just better, even if it's "worse". The variety of life. Keeping it fresh. How many laps can you turn at the same track on the same bike without wanting to try something else? Why do you think so many people end up getting divorced?
I like stand up jet skis and women and beer.

I do not like baseball cards.

For what it's worth, everyone loves stand up skis, but nobody has one to ride with me, it seems.

I should buy more, I suppose?
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The old boats are more difficult to stay on top of. That makes them interesting to ride again, just like they were over 30 years ago. Superjets need a lot of power, A/M hulls need even more power than that. An SXR 1500 need to be going 60 before its as exiting as getting out of bed. A new 12' couch have over 300HP and feel like driving my grandmas Camry.
What kind of power do you think belongs in a super jet? Serious question. I'm going to be building out 2 pre 08's here soon. Both are getting re-enforced and the trays widened. One is already set for with a 61x/62t LPW 735 shredder cylinder, Zeel with LPW Curve, Limted pipe ported by Paul as well, Solas mag, I have a few props to use, but I believe the recommendation was a 10/16 hooker.
In my opinion, an early SJ needs enough pull so it tends to wear you out. Basically as much as you can get from a ported OEM cylinder with a pipe and low pitched impeller. They can do this much easier than old Kawasakis can mainly because of their larger pump.
In my opinion, an early SJ needs enough pull so it tends to wear you out. Basically as much as you can get from a ported OEM cylinder with a pipe and low pitched impeller. They can do this much easier than old Kawasakis can mainly because of their larger pump.

This is basically your average superjet setup, not really what I would consider “a lot of power”.
In my opinion, an early SJ needs enough pull so it tends to wear you out. Basically as much as you can get from a ported OEM cylinder with a pipe and low pitched impeller. They can do this much easier than old Kawasakis can mainly because of their larger pump.
I figured you were going to recommend something a bit more extreme than that.
In my experience there is a very large spread in how hard a ski will pull based on its apparent mods. Thats why I said it needs to be enough to be tiring. That is always subjective. I suppose some guys would need the very hottest dry piped 1200 with a big pump.
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Super Hero, with a cape!
St. Pete, FL
Only read 1 page.

Don't forget we're getting pushed out as well. The lake I ride at has 50ft of shore we used that is now roped off with a sign about saving the fish. I suspect they just used the fish as an excuse but the place we used to gather is no longer an option. I can still ride from the ramp but now my kids can't play in the water while I ride. All the salt beaches are being turned into swim zones. It's not only getting harder and harder to be able to afford to ride, it is getting harder to actually ride.
Listen guys the sport won't die if you guys all donate to my gofundme page for a @JetManiac 62t motor and pfp pipe for my new v3 hull.

I'll walk around going door to door with a suit and tie and a thick yamaha book and ask people if they have a moment to talk about 2 stoke jetskis.

Your small donations will keep us alive and well.
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