John Havell

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9 years to retirement...
Tampa Bay
Hockey style mask with the cage is the best. I saw someone using one. Vision isn't affected too much, and it offers the protection needed.


Shootin Brapaholics
Johnny giving us a sign as he's taken to the hospital. My thought and prayers are with ya johnny


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he went huge. when they first brought him to shore he tried to stand and wave to the crowd and everyone cheered. That was probably the best thing for him, hearing everyone cheer him on. Johnnys like duke nukem "i've got balls of steel". By the way if it wasnt that shallow he would rode out of it, i hope someone has it on video????

get well soon man



.........reminds me of Galveston........and then the Calif. tour stop in 2000 Johnny BIG. This one looks like it hurts more. Kim and I are praying for you bud.

New Jersey
Get Well Soon


You are in our prayers and thoughts. Please get well soon.


The Crossley Family

Robbie, Christopher,
Bobby & JoAnn


No he will not!
Johnny is a freaking STUD! I was there with him while the lifeguards were cleaning him up on the stretcher, he asked me to to tell everyone he was sorry for not making the double backie :bigeyes: This was just after he came out of the blew my mind. He has got the be one of the toughest dudes I have ever met.

Get well man, I'm prayin for ya.

BTW, I plan on going to visit with him tomorrow evening if he is still in Daytona. I'll tell him everyone from the X is pulling for him :beerchug:
Heal up soon Johnny. You are seriously one of the nicest guys I've ever met in this sport or anywhere.
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