ksarge's superjet build

painting is pretty easy actually. you need a pretty decent sized air compressor, a gun, some paint/ misc other stuff and a paint "booth" with ventilation. Making it look nice is another story however. lol. I think if you went into an autobody shop that sold paint/supplies, they could hook you up with all the stuff you need and some info on how to do it all.


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Kevin let me know what you come up with. I was looking at getting my ski painted as well. I know it can be done in house but paint is one thing I am picky about.
Kevin let me know what you come up with. I was looking at getting my ski painted as well. I know it can be done in house but paint is one thing I am picky about.

I think I might have goose paint it. He gave me a very good price to sand it, paint it, and clear it. Gonna cost me more to get it there and back then to have it painted though, haha, it would be around 7 hours of driving total. That's alot for a paintjob
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I can take it out there for you. Just bring it up to my house. It will save you time! I still have work to do on my boat so I will be going there anyway.
Kevin let me know what you come up with. I was looking at getting my ski painted as well. I know it can be done in house but paint is one thing I am picky about.

I can tell. That spray bomb, brown and green camo, grenade paint scheme you had on your old square was truely remarkable. I'd even go as far as to say it was the best looking paint on the lake.
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I am in Allentown.

Lol, I had nothing to do with the paint on that ski. In the end it is just a jetski and not a show piece. As long as it looks good from my house I will be happy. haha
I am in Allentown.

Lol, I had nothing to do with the paint on that ski. In the end it is just a jetski and not a show piece. As long as it looks good from my house I will be happy. haha

Haha, I know. I miss that ski. It was a true rat-rod.

Back to sanding. Whoopdy-freakin-doo. Everything's gonna be flawless this time. Every nick has been filled, the fuel fill area is much smoother, no air holes in the filler anywhere, hoods smoother. Gonna be nice. Takin it to some shops in bridgeport on friday for some quotes, then I'll let you know if I need it transported to Bills.

You get that topdeck bonded yet?


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leave it like that...it will look like that after awhile...

I did the prep on my sj then my friends dad just sprayed base coat then clear

im going to take the sticks off my new ski and wetsand then clear it
leave it like that...it will look like that after awhile...

I did the prep on my sj then my friends dad just sprayed base coat then clear

im going to take the sticks off my new ski and wetsand then clear it

haha, I thought about just priming it and riding it like that. Raw filler and glass would be sweet.

Your q8 will look sick just blue and black.

Here's all I got done tonight. 3 hours of sanding and 1 sides done. The skin on my hands is loose and bubbly but I'm much happier with it now than before.


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Ski gets back from paint tomorrow. Then it's onto the graphics. I wanna keep it pretty simple and everything is going to be black and white (except for my pink and purple handlebar tassels). Here's some things I've come up with so far, fonts are bound to change. I have some carbon here to so I may wrap the nosepiece if I can build up the motivation.

For the record since a crap ton of people have asked me this, I sealed all the bondo and 404 filler with a sealer, then primed the ski. The painter is sealing the entire ski again as well and spraying base coat and clear. We'll see how ieverything holds up. I might not be keeping this hood anyway.


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Not gonna lie, it's pretty ugly. I just masked off the turf for them and the paint lifted in a few spots due to something with the primer and sealer I used. Oh well, I honestly just wanna ride it, and if it was too pretty I wouldn't be able to rock this sweet new sticker! Looks like a Lexus from 10 feet though!

(The white stuff on the turf isn't paint, just a little dust.)


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Some finished pics. Graphics are being cut up in the next week or so and I still have to paint the bottom but it's finally rideable as it is. Just gotta figure out where to mount this damn fire extinguisher!!!!

I even splurged for some "expensive" Rustoleum appliance epoxy paint for the bottom


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