ksarge's superjet build

Pole would be a good first time as its a pretty simple shape.

That's what I'm thinking. The pole dosen't have many curves that would create a crease. I could do that then work my way up. Maybe do a nosepiece next. I need to reinforce the inside of the hood anyway. Might wait and see is this carbon idea takes shape. That'd definately be sick. Flat Black with a carbon hood, pole and nosepiece. I wouldn't **** with that ski if I saw it in an alley way.


its raining again!
That's what I've been doing with most stuff so far. The other problem I usually have is keeping the weave straight and not curving.

Yeah it would def look sick!

I think it all depends on how u first lay the weave, i always try and make sure the weave is square before i lay, then if its a little off then i can usualy pull it back straight.

Another thing if you did go down this route is its worth while shooting some clear coat, this should help smooth out some of the ripple's in the weave and protect the epoxy from uv rays. (can turn yellow!)
Yeah it would def look sick!

I think it all depends on how u first lay the weave, i always try and make sure the weave is square before i lay, then if its a little off then i can usualy pull it back straight.

Another thing if you did go down this route is its worth while shooting some clear coat, this should help smooth out some of the ripple's in the weave and protect the epoxy from uv rays. (can turn yellow!)

I'd definately clear it if I did this. How long do you think I could go before painting it if I'd cleared it? It only sits outside at the lake. Garage the rest of the time


its raining again!
I'd definately clear it if I did this. How long do you think I could go before painting it if I'd cleared it? It only sits outside at the lake. Garage the rest of the time

Well where i come from we dont get a lot of sun so i couldnt be too sure!
but if u used a good quality clearcoat and looked after it with a few coats of a teflon polish each year, then i cant see any reason why it would start to discolour.

If it started to get a little beat up then flatten it back with 1200 wet or dry and re lacquer, the weave should look near to new again.

But u should at least get a few years before u have to do that!
Anyone know how much resin I'll need for light reinforcing? (both sides, nose, and bracket area) I'm thinking a half gallon should be good if I use it sparingly.

Also, anyone know what weight carbon would be best for wrapping the pole?
Alright, thanks nate. Yeah, the pole deal is just for looks so I was thinking pretty light too so it would wrap easy. I'm probably not even gonna wrap the bottom.

So for the pole I just squeege it and clear coat it and I'm set?

Anyone have an opinion on any of these cloths? I like the idea of colors, maybe silver or red, gold??

Do I need to make sure I use a resin that cures clear?

What does everyone use to fill the bondline? Filler or foam? I'm thinking filler would be stronger but heavier. I'm thinking I could use it sparingly and still leave a little bit of a crease in there.
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my engine comp. is reinforced in texalium, it looks good IMO, just silver fiberlgass basically. for the bond line i would use either 2 part expanding foam, or that resin filler stuff. I used fast cure resin on my boat ( i think ), and it was plenty of time to finish the job; especially if the room is a cool temperature. im not sure if you can get a clear-er curing resin, mine had a yellow tint to it. for the pole you might need to find a UV resistant resin


my engine comp. is reinforced in texalium, it looks good IMO, just silver fiberlgass basically. for the bond line i would use either 2 part expanding foam, or that resin filler stuff. I used fast cure resin on my boat ( i think ), and it was plenty of time to finish the job; especially if the room is a cool temperature. im not sure if you can get a clear-er curing resin, mine had a yellow tint to it. for the pole you might need to find a UV resistant resin

Boat looks real good Kevin. Nice job on the hood.

Nate is right about the uv resistant resin. I used Aluzene resin for the carbon work on my ski. It can be bought from Fiberglass Hawaii and won't yellow with uv exposure. I'd definitely use it on the pole if you are going to do it. Fast cure resin is the way to go, I used medium and it seemed to take forever in a 75-80 degree garage(waste oil heater is a beautiful thing haha).

Also make sure you put a lot of light on your glass when you're waiting for the resin to cure, it really speeds up the process.

Keep up the nice work!
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