Legal Oceanside Surf Riding Spot

Vista CA
Thats right, you read correctly. Buckle up because this is going to be one long uphill battle. this is also a long post, sorry, but if you actually care you'll read it.

Myself, Zack Bright, Jake Bright and a few others are fighting to create a spot in Oceanside similar to what Daytona created in 1998. Oceanside being one of the top riding spots for freeride, we all think it would be great to not ride as far as we all have to and if we break down, not be towed what seems like forever. This is where we are in the process.

Earlier this week i called Randy Laine since he has been around surfriding since before it was illegal. I asked him his thoughts and he told me he had proposed what he calls "hot zones" in the past, which is basically a free for all area for jetskiers, kite boarders, wind surfing ect. he said their biggest concern was safety and getting sued for injuries. After thinking about safety we quickly realized that this "hot zone" wouldn't work and the zone needed to be modeled after Daytona, a strict PWC area.

This week we talked with the harbor master of Oceanside and asked him where to start. The harbor master was interested in the idea and told us there was a harbor and beaches city council meeting where we could bring up the idea. Because we only had a few days to prepare, we decided that we would just go, observe, meet and greet and get the feel for how to prepare for the next meeting. At the meeting we talked to the city manager of Oceanside. He told us that the hardest part of passing this is the fact alot of people want that land. He said dog owners love dog beaches, a group of sky divers want to land there, and so on. BUT we do have an advantage. A PWC zone cost them NOTHING and it creates revenue by selling permits to ride there and possibly hosting events like the daytona freeride. Not to mention we still have a solid group of guys riding in winter, and a community relying on tourism, they could use the winter help. Since the meeting, i have emailed the director of Daytona and asked him questions such as safety, revenue, economy boost and started getting facts.

The next step. The next city council meeting for us to propose our idea is in April. We will be creating a power point presentation and basically giving a speech. Following that we will have to answer questions from the council. We only get 10-15 minutes so we have to organize it. We have broken it down into
1. revenue creating: PWC passes, bring riders, we pay parking already, increase tourism
2. safety: follow daytona rules, liability release? possibly winter only not to interfere with other tourism
3. Environmental impact: (California go figure). basically none, we already ride here, just location change
We also have an introduction talking about the origin of the jetski, the popularity of Oceanside riding and the revenue created by the PWC industry. We want a small area (100 yards, 200 yards?) nothing ridiculous. The city manager thought that we wanted a few miles at first.

I would love input from people who have any experience in this. i would NOT like to see someone who puts, it will never happen. that doesn't help anybody. Also anyone who is somewhat local to come and show support when Zack, Jake and I have to give this presentation. The council meeting had only a handful of citizens there, so if we can show up with a good chunk of riders, I'm sure it would help the cause. Let the discussion begin.

High Speed Industries

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I really hope this happens. I'm totally stoked on this idea. When is the meeting in April? Maybe I'll make the trip from Las Vegas to go ride and attend the meeting. Use me as an example in your powerpoing. I drive 5 hours from Las Vegas to Oceanside just to ride surf. If I could do this in a jet ski zone that would be even better. You can even charge me extra because I'm not from California. (more revenue) lol.
Good luck, I really hope this works out.


walking on water
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I rode Oceanside three weeks ago. I enjoyed the surf while I was there. Ran into Jake too. The ride north from the harbor wasn't too bad, just wish you could launch from Pendleton.

My one question: Can you get hurt surfing? I feel like everyone says, "No, we could get sued." when you ask about doing something fun.

I'm in a similar process of trying to get permission to ride a heated lake here in Wisconsin. It was restricted to "Electric trolling motors" a few years back. I have to attend a town meeting for safety to get approval or come up with a special permit, fingers crossed.

Good luck with your proposal!
Amazing, goodluck! I am from Escondido California and am very firmiliar with Oceanside. I made the trip from AZ to Cali with my square when I first got it. Rode mission bay and was blown away, my riding skills and confidence at that time didnt permit me to make the Oceanside ride but next time I drive up I can't wait to rip the surf. Hope to meet all you out there one day and hope their is a easily accessible Oceanside surf spot.
Hey I was there too butthole and I was the one who talked to the city manager! Just because im not a professional like those Bright brothers doesn't mean I don't have feelings too. You are a piece of work.
This is awesome! Planning on heading down sunday to ride it for the first time but definetly plan to start riding there a lot more and will definetly try to make the meeting and bring a few of my buddies down as well!


My home away from home.
Huge thanks to you guys for getting this going! If I was closer, I'd show up for sure. And if they get this going, it would be more attractive for some of us running cart tanks. That's the only reason we haven't made it back unfortunately. They'd be surprised at how many more there'd be if it were limited to one beach, where we could launch and ride from. SO MUCH SAFER for starts. Kick back on the shore and watch your buddies ride. Ride and watch your slacker buddies on the shore lol…

Would love to see this happen. More Freeride events! Woooo!
Great idea guys. I will try and get support from the Harbor Police and Life Guards. Maybe we can write up a purposal and get them to endorse it. It doesn't hurt to ask.


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Do you guys have to deal with any regulations right now? In Daytona you have to get checked by the beach patrol to make sure your ski is all legal and has the right equipment. Just wondering if you go about getting a ride zone will you have to deal with more rules and regulations that you don't have to now?
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