there are only so many shapes a ski can have guys. Lets get back to riding and away from fighting
He now sells clubs.
I've started flagging them to.
wait. how does the banning someone here stop them from posting on CraigslistBottom line here. SKIDOUCHE should be banned. PERIOD. That A****** Ripped me off using craigslist. Told me he had a aluminum SJ HAndlepole.. When it was actually a FX1 Aluminum Handle pole... Its like WTF? Fx1 guys ate it up.. I guess he had to list it on craigs cause he couldnt sell it here. Now i know why he said he didn't like the X. lolol This toolshed needs to be banned for ever. His IP adress too so he can't make a new user name. STAY AWAY from any Sj parts being sold outta Detroit by a guy named shawn. I'm so glad i didn't buy a hood from this guy.. And wish i woulda new before he got my money..
You must be busy every morning over coffee