MOTOSURF FREERIDE Oct 16 & 17, 2010 - Whos in?


Enjoy Life...
Go between 2 and 3 and mark out a big area for us if possible. Any further down will be too far I think then we'll have to deal with all the ATVs.
I just want to leave now! The next week of waiting will be torture.
Hope my back holds out. Was riding my crotch rocket yesterday and almost went over backwards on a wheelie............backed off the throttle a little fast and slammed the front tire HARD. My man parts still hurt today. Anyways, my already bad back is feeling it. Hopefully I won't be sidelined with back trouble the whole time.
Oh well, worst case is I get to sit on a California beach and drink beer......not so bad.
Heres some info for the Pismo first timer. Originally posted by Mark Gomez for the LM Spring Break Freeride in spring. Some of the names and dates might be different but the info regarding Pismo is still the same (Thanks Mark!)

Hey everyone I decided to make this thread for the upcoming Pismo trip so as many details and helpful information could be found on one thread.


Joe Kenny Freeride!!
October 16-17, 2010


Pismo/ Oceano Dune’s
See attached map

From 101 Freeway take Grand Ave exit until you cross a set of train tracks that takes you to the beach entrance about 500 feet ahead. (see Map photo for a birds eye)

Grand Ave has everything from, Markets, 7-11’s, Restaurants, Coin washes, Banks, Gas, and almost everything else you will need on the way in or out of the beach.


The Grand ave entrance is open from 6am to 11pm

If you arrive or need to leave late the Pier ave entrance is open 24 hours. (see Pier ave attached map)

Depending on the time of year this entrance is usually the most hard packed.

Don’t forget to Air Down and or bring tow straps!!!

Through you can pre order your camping passes for $10 a night. Pre purchasing tickets seem to make it a much more less questions asked entry to the beach for all the gear and shenanigans we tend to bring in the back of our trucks/ trailers.
The location is actually considered the Oceano Dunes. The Direct link to Oceano Dunes reservations for our weekend is here

Pismo is well known to be BLOWN out. Pismo can also be very nice weather but it never hurts to prepare for cold and heavy winds blowing constantly from 11am to 7pm.

• Stake or sand bag em down!
• Dig a burm facing the wind and throw a tarp over the top of your tent anchoring it down with the weight of the sand burm to deflect the wind and morning dew that will soak your tent.


• Please keep an eye out on arrival park in a semi circle with other RVS to help block the wind for the party in the center!
• You will make plenty of friends with a place to hang out, shower, or use your bathroom.

• Want to rent an RV? These people deliver on the beach!


Quads/ Sand toys:
• Have legit registration
• Must have a flag whip and helmet to ride around even “in the campsites”
• Pismo Sheriffs are quick to issue and investigate possible DUI’s so have fun but be cautious.
• 15MPH on the sand highway in front of the camp across the whole beach.

What will be going on and who will be there?

• Liquid Militia plans to arrive Thursday afternoon to be one of well over 40 confirmed people along with other big industry heavy hitters such as Ronny Mac, Ross Champion, Jerry F^$king Brandon, Taylor Curtis, Cuong Son, and more to be confirmed.

• People will be in or out of the water riding the gnarly to mellow Pismo surf. It is quite possible high winds will come through anywhere around 11am-2pm and not lighten up until about 6-8pm. Most people hop on their quads and dirtbikes and demolish the sand dunes 100 yards behind from the campsite.

• There are a few out houses along the campsite other than that bring an RV or make friends with people who have one.

• Liquid Militia is working on piecing together a projector and sound system to hopefully show the new DVD 'Rise of the Tide' to everyone there.

• Liquid Militia will supply a Spaghetti dinner Saturday night 1st come 1st serve till it's gone.

• Bryant Lambert will be filming and Kyla will be taking photos like always if it's not sandy windblown.

• Liquid Militia will give out some gear via Raffle or other night time shenanigan rewards.

• It will be Liquid Militia rider Cuong Son's Birthday weekend!

• Liquid Militia Riders attending: Cuong Son, Jared Ajlouny, Pete Zernik, Mark Gomez, Stanton High, Mannie Leon, a chit load of LM friends & of course Hypnotic Films...

• Please bring firewood to pitch into the community bonfire because pismo does get pretty dark and chilly at night.

• As the tide comes up move your stuff. It makes us look bad when nobody can drive down the beach. The last thing we want is everyone cursing us (including the rangers) because they have to weave between ski's and cars parked too low. Try to leave room for 2 rows of traffic to drive through thanks!

• Please leave your gas in your ski’s and other toys, the pismo sheriffs have blamed and harassed Liquid Militia for the last few fireball incidents. So please do not throw any fire bombs or Liquid Militia will not be able to come to pismo anymore. Also leave your high explosive fireworks at home because that too, is no good for our event. There will be plenty of man soda’s, free spaghetti, music and other non flammable shenanigans to go around all night to keep the party bumpin. Thank you very much!

These are a few details I can think of off the top of my head, please feel free to post it up here so I can add it.

More information to come as things get confirmed!!
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