Pete WTF... are you retarted Thread Jacking your own thread. Back on topic you Tart !
Back to my meds.
Back to my meds.
ha ha ha.... wanna ride bikes?????
Not sure if all Cannondales are still made here. They are over priced for what you get. Welds are very nice, but the parts spec is lacking.
I just said they were made here... dingle berry
I bought one a few months back. It's fine for light riding
every company makes hi-end and budget bikes. so its hard to "pick a brand" I would go to your local bike shop and shoot some 08's out the doors 09 bikes are 15%-20% more for the same spec bike this year price wise..
I would start on a 5" travel all mountain bike, I have a gary fisher, a kona, a gt, and an OLD schwin from the 90's the trek fuel ex is awesome.
just ride a few to get the feel for the different geometry's. depending on where you ride really helps on what bike to pick.
there are way to many bike shapes/sizes/spec's to choose from it all goes with your budget. just remember the lighter the bike the easier it is to break. and the more it costs.
I have a klein hard tail and love it other than the rear rim that was destroyed Jumping off a concert stage, they have sick paint too. You should also look at Iorn Horse Bikes. Specialized actually bought some of the suspension designs that you see on there full sus bikes. So you are buying a bike and not just the marked up name like Trek or Specialized.
:haha::haha: I gotta leave that alone ! LOL5" around here is really not needed.
Not fan of Cannodale.
JD, where did you guys get your Ellsworths ?