Other Movie review thread

Saw Dumb and Dumber To. I definitely went into the theatre with too high of expectations. I did lol a few times, but for the most part, it sucked.

Saw the Hobbit: Battle of FIve Armies. If you like all of the other Peter Jackson movies, you will like this one. I don't think any of the Hobbit films are as good as the LOTR movies, but they will do in a pinch.



Buy a Superjet
I watched Scrooged again last night. Has to be in the top 3 best christmas movies.


sqeez bth levrs & lean bk
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This the one that came out a few years ago and the bear killed the guy and his girlfriend?

Don't know but if it is, I watched the documentary on him and he was a nut. Big shocker the Bears ate him.

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OCD Solutions

Original, Clean and Dependable Solutions
Rentz, GA
Ron White does a whole monologue on that guy. Says he went a long way to prove his dad wrong who said he'd "never be poop".

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Yep, he apparently spent @ 13 summers at a National Park in Alaska and documented his interactions with Grizzlies with the claims he was protecting them from poachers, etc when there wasn't one case of that happening in the park. Rangers and other animal rights folks were against what he was doing and claimed he was actually harming them... human contact is bad for them and if they get too used to it and became troublesome they'd have to be killed.

Apparently he had serious mental issues and the ending of the story is what any sane person would suspect, focker was eaten by a bear. Sad part is he convinced a female friend he knew what he was doing and she was also eaten. Apparently there is footage just prior to the attack and then it's only audio of the attack but they don't show or play it in the doc, only the narrator friends response.


sqeez bth levrs & lean bk
Site Supporter
Watched fury and a walk among the tombstones... "Liked em both

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