my -4 years SN project - no rocker, no short ;-)


Ich bin aus Frankfurt de hesse sind los......

If you need any Billet custom fab parts hit up natty matty on the boards with ski

You have the same engine I am running !!!


steals hub caps from cars
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at peace
Ich bin aus Osterburg - eine kleine Stadt zwischen Stendal und Wittenberge.
Ich lebe hier schon seit 1999, und bin seit 2004 Staatsbuerger.
Brauchst du irgend ein Fuehrerschein oder so was fuer dein Jetski? :dunno:

Ich bin aus Frankfurt de hesse sind los
Ihr zwoi koennt schoa ma a Listsche mache, wer von euch mich zu erst am Arsch lecke will.

Grüsse aus der alten Heimat an alle Ausgewanderten :wavey:

@Matt_E: Ja, man braucht einen Führerschein zum Jetski fahren in Deutschland. Hast Du was anderes gedacht? Das ist Deutschland! Da brauch man für alles irgend einen Schein, oder eine Berechtigung. Die ganzen Beamten müssen doch auch von irgendwas leben.
Je nachdem, wo man fährt, braucht man entweder den Sportbootführerschein-See (Küstengewässer), oder den Sportbootführerschein-Binnen für alle anderen Gewässer.

Thats enough German in "your" forum for now - sorry!

Back to the build!
I dont like the look of my AC-SN-pole anymore. It doesnt line up with the "new" hull shape and is much too beefy. It looks like the hull is mounted to the pole and not the pole mounted to the hull :Eyecrazy:
So i made a good deal on a AC-RN-pole, which will arrive the next week. That should look much better. Also found wet foam in the tray, so i have to refoam :thumbsdown: Here are some pics for you. Tell me, what you think

can´t post pics ??? i will try again later


steals hub caps from cars
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at peace
I figured you'd need a license.
How restricted are you in where you can ride?
I was under impression riding on rivers/lakes (Binnengewasser) is extremely restricted.
I have seen pictures of riders on the Elbe in Hamburg Harbor


Squarenose FTW
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I rode with some friends on the Rhine near Frankfurt.
There is a 1 mile stretch designated for Jetskis
none of us had licenses . . . . :biggrin:

I figured you'd need a license.
How restricted are you in where you can ride?
I was under impression riding on rivers/lakes (Binnengewasser) is extremely restricted.
I have seen pictures of riders on the Elbe in Hamburg Harbor

The sport is very restricted here in Germany but there are a few sections of rivers / lakes where you can ride the whole year and do freestyle or race. These are normally indicated with the sign tor*p*do posted (which is in my signature too). Of course you can ride without a license (i did that for years!) but to avoid stress with the police it’s better to have one. And normally you are not allowed to use a expelled jet ski area without a license.
you can use every waters for jet ski touring if you behave like a boat which means you have to to go in a straight line on a for everyone noticeable course with an appropriate speed.

i live on the shore to the Baltic sea, so i do freeride mostly. We have a 20 miles long fine sandy beach on the Baltic sea on our island called "Usedom" (you know Peenemünde?? the "cradle of aerospace"?? this is 15 miles away from my hometown on the island). Today it’s a stronghold of tourism, so you have to deal with the thousands of tourists in the summer every year which blockade "my" beach and concern about the "noise"...... Other than that we never had problems with official restrictions in my home area - you pick a place on the beach and go for it....
check one of our jetski lakes in an old - refilled with water - open pit mine:


steals hub caps from cars
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at peace
How is the surf in the Baltic?

I've been there a few times as a kid. Last time I was there was 1997 I believe.


The Good Old Days
Can't believe that I used to ride in the Baltic without a wet suit and now I'm cold in Daytona. 13*C was quite normal in the middle of summer though it would get up to the low 20's if the currents were right.
How is the surf in the Baltic?

I've been there a few times as a kid. Last time I was there was 1997 I believe.

If we have surf, it´s mostly chaotic in the Baltic Sea on our shore. The wave lenght is so short, that you often can´t land a trick without hitting the next wave. No smooth "rollers" here, the waves seem to explode and not to roll out. So it´s difficult to find a nice wave for jumping, because their cycle is so short and they change their face very fast. Most time of the year the Baltic is flat like a lake so you can do freestyle.

can still not post pics (of my build) ??????? :-( help me!

so here´s a link for you with some surf pics:


steals hub caps from cars
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at peace
I don't know when I'll visit my parents next, but when I do, we have to hook up for a day.
my "new" ac-RN-pole arrived yesterday. looks much better, than the SN-pole imo. tell me what you think....


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fixed bwahahahahahaha

just kidding jetfreak.. its looking good.

im going to try and carbon my tubbies like you did. any tips?

are the tubbies allready installed? i carboned mine before installation.
i turned down (and glued) the carbon to the foam on the inner side of the tubbies, so there is an extra flange of carbon (and not only the foam) as a glue surface to the hull. its not easy to wrap the carbon around the close edges of the tubbies without folds. i used a layer of "abreissgewege" (don´t know the english word - @matt_e: help us please!) that i tied together on the inner side of the tubbies. later you can easily remove this "Abreissgewebe" and you will have a rough surface for the topcoat or an other layer of carbon. unfortunately my english is not as good to explain you the hole here are some pics fore you.
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