My apologies to anyone I may have ever 'blown off' at a ride

check out the forums and you'll see all the posts by people in firstname lastname format.

at first it was weird as hell to look at, but then it gets pretty normal. the best thing about it is that there's no anonymity, and the shadiness factor is pretty minimal on that site. sure you can sign up with a fake name, but after being on that forum for a few years, those people are few and far in between and generally get weeded out pretty quickly if theyre up to any b.s.

of course, i'm on that site as 'Edwin Rivera' :Banane09:


salty nuts
coastal GA


So long and thanks for all the fish
I was mistaken for Adrian like 3 times in Daytona this year. The first guy I let off the hook, the other 2 I just played along, tossed a couple of 'tally-ho's' in to boot.


Just plain me....
I was mistaken for Adrian like 3 times in Daytona this year. The first guy I let off the hook, the other 2 I just played along, tossed a couple of 'tally-ho's' in to boot.
The best was last year when you left to go to the hospital. Adrian & I were standing together talking & a lady comes up to him & says "hmm...I thought you just busted your chin open"

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
I met Jett once. We had some breakfast before FSF 06. Very nice guy.

I felt bad later when I turned into a dick after both my skis craped out.

LOL, I know what you mean, at the 05 Riot Ride my driveline stripped out 30 minutes after I hit the water on that friday. Had to ride the SXR the rest of the weekend with all the cruisers going by...... did not make for a fun weekend.

Wolf Child

Just Another Octard
All over C. FL
LOL, I know what you mean, at the 05 Riot Ride my driveline stripped out 30 minutes after I hit the water on that friday. Had to ride the SXR the rest of the weekend with all the cruisers going by...... did not make for a fun weekend.

I had two ski's dead in the water. I was stripping parts from one to try and fix another.
All the wile my boat was getting swamped by the guys riding close to shore and my G/f was yacking in my ear (trying to help but just pissing me off more) and I started yelling at people and threw my hood at someone as they skiied by.

It was a bad day.
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