I do not intentionally blow people off, period. I will talk to anyone.
If there are perceived 'alliances' of mine, you're wrong. I am not affiliated with any shop, I don't 'hate' anyone, etc. When I go to a ride, I go to have fun, hang out with people, and ride, not to be some dickhead that blows off people that are hooked up with so-and-so shop or to dig up dirt on people, etc.
Once again, I've found out that someone from New Jersey claims I blew them off at a ride, this time Daytona, but apparently both this year and last year. I do not think I've ever met this person, at least not that I remember. I have no idea what he looks like or even his real first name, so how the heck would I blow him off?
Seriously people, I don't pull childish crap like that, I'm 38 years old and have way better things to do at rides. If you feel slighted, please don't. Tons of people introduce themselves to me, and I am horrible at names, so if I don't remember you, don't feel bad, probably 80% of the people don't stick in my head.
Also, don't forget that SJBrit and I look a lot alike, so make sure you're talking to the right person. I have been mistaken for him quite a bit, and the same for him.
Stuff like this gets to me personally because that is not the type of person I am at all.