Custom/Hybrid my obsession back flip hull ??

That's because you have a few areas that need more draft. What did you use for tooling gelcoat for the mold? It appears that you didn't use any.

The framework for that top deck needs to have more than 2 pieces of plywood supporting it. A good flange always helps to strengthen the mold.

i did use 5 layers of wax . and i have made a small flange for strengthen the mold , do you think it is to small ??
004.jpg003.jpg002.jpgthe molds are ready but the plug did not make it !! lol
i am learning al the time , i will post pics when i progress . and thanks for the great comments .


Alta Loma, CA
Is it an optical allusion, or is one chine much longer than the other? (pic#3 above, right chine looks longer than left)

Maybe he has some secret trick up his sleeve for making a harder left turn thus creating a larger setup wake......

Orrr I could just be full of poop :silly:


steals hub caps from cars
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at peace
Maybe he has some secret trick up his sleeve for making a harder left turn thus creating a larger setup wake......

Orrr I could just be full of poop :silly:

Occam's razor applies.
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