New HOODSEAL, The Infamous D-seal w/pics


Stock Sucks
White Lake MI
I think I remember seeing that someone filled one of these with silicone a while back and said it worked great that would probably take care of the loose latch


Yes, my balls tickled from that landing
Charlotte, NC
i finely had my latch pop open this past tuesday.. :( i'm going to be injecting somy sylicon through out the seal to help with the overall density and squash. wish when i got the sample he would have sent enoulf to do an entire seal.. oh well they also make a very high denciity gasket at briteck but it requires a tooling and extra setup and material cost... if anyone wanned to give that a try.

It is a good seal, it just once the D is compressed the overall thickness is not very much.. i would garentee getting some ruber strip or turf under it would do the trick... for those that havent installed yet. and for those that have.. inject some sylicon inside the D.. it seems like money on paper anyhow..
I did this on a squarenose hoodseal was the best one ever...Meatball now has it and im sure its still alive and kicking....

the silicone is a BITCH to inject inside...I had to do it in smaller pieces or it just oozed out right past the tip...even with the seal hoseclamped to the gun..

once mounted, it worked GREAT!


615 Freeriders are addicted to T1 madness.

Ill take "ideas that sound good" for $600 please Alex.

Sounds great, but I have been there done that and the hood will actually hit the hull w/ this seal if you clamp it that tight. With a stock hood you can use auto door trim on lip of hood and it will tighten up some, but this does not work w/ my Wammer or WDK hoods as the lip is thicker in rear and in corners.


ISJWTA member #2
NW Arkansas
ive got the auto trim seal on my hood, and my hooks are located for a thinner seal.

this seal actually works pretty well on my boat with my hood setup.

Sounds great, but I have been there done that and the hood will actually hit the hull w/ this seal if you clamp it that tight. With a stock hood you can use auto door trim on lip of hood and it will tighten up some, but this does not work w/ my Wammer or WDK hoods as the lip is thicker in rear and in corners.
I tried to find it here in Canada and noone had the seal in stock, they all wanted $100 min purchase.:soapbox:

I think Britech is the actual manufactuer of this stuff and they sell to everyone else in North America.

Ohh well.:baby:


RN Surgery... soon
Installing tonight, should I cut it up and silicone it, or run a strip[ of turf under it? Once its glued its glued...
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