ive only ridden the heavier glass sf -2 in choppy surf,it was a very fun ride,checked the vid,tough to see much for sure
phil deff has the setup wake down on the lil lite hulls,Seems to be not retreating far from the u turn is key. Others go a ways back and it always seems smaller when they hit it,Its not rocket science lol.
Freakrider,let me know if you post up that vid,Id like to see how well the SF BA does in 3 ft chop conditions. Feel like its beatin ya up much?
For those of you who don't believe Torr flipped Phil's Superfreak, please refer to 4:23 in the following video.
Love ya bud ahahahaha :smashfreakB::smashfreakB::splatt:
Did he do a hop flip ? tough to see on phone.
Well I had to buy a 12 cell Antigravity to subtract some of the heavy solas mag weight. Why not keep a carbon hull setup light right ? Gotta flip off a ripple.
The vid ended at 4:19. That's the joke.
For those of you who don't believe Torr flipped Phil's Superfreak, please refer to 4:23 in the following video.
Love ya bud ahahahaha :smashfreakB::smashfreakB::splatt:
i ran back to back comp tests with deka etx16 agm and anti grav 20 cell and got 11 to 12 lbs more in readings ...not much danger in setup wake failed attempts,just go for it.Ive been trying longer distance no trim back flips off a nice wake boat a friend has to try and make it to the other down side of wake. Those can be some higher speed carnage crashes when ya come in a bit short of nose
Speed is absolutely your friend IF you can get the timing down. And that's a lot harder at speed. But it makes flips with less power possible and it makes them big.
Stop worrying about flops. They don't hurt and they (probably) wont damage anything.
yea the spped bit makes it harder to time the last blip to plant the nose,flops dont hurt much at all,even from 8 to 10 ft off wakes.its the 8/10s from nose in that get ya,flying over the bars and gettin yanked outa the holds from 10 foot is pretty unpleasant...helmet up and rip it bud