No more Brap??? Low-mid-high all gone


If you think that you had a bent spark plug terminal then you should also check for a bad connection at the terminal or broken plug wires. The easiest way to check this is to use an ohm meter and check between the plug caps. You should read about 4500 ohms if you are using the MSD boots and have a stock Yamaha coil. If you get no reading then you need to work on that or the boat will run at low RPM but break up when trying to rev up due to arcing in the broken wire or bad terminal.

Do like the other guys have been suggesting, start with the obvious stuff. Good spark, adequate compression, no water in fuel. If the boat never acted like it was locked up when you were trying to start if after the fountain then the rods are prolly ok. Water ingestion can damage the cylinder walls if enough gets in by washing off the oil and causing damage and possibly low compression. Take your time and find someone who knows about 2 stroke engines to help you with the general theory of how things work. Good luck.


Yes, my balls tickled from that landing
Charlotte, NC
CoreyLKN said:
i had the same problem...then i found out i had a 1/4 gas tank full of water mixed in with my gas...:banghead:

i know this is a dume question, but is there a way to check for water in the gas? and is there a way i can get it out w/o dumping thte 4gals of 93Octain and BeNoil thats left in the take...

i know water is heaver than gass so it sits on the bottom of the take.. so gow can i dump just the bottom? Also how the hell could water get in the tank? all lines are zip tied to the fittings and my gas cap is on preatty hard?.. Oh well... thanks CoreyLKN... BTW there do you ride? i'm around Marker D6

Matt_E... no hard feelings.. sorry to come off as if you were trying to offennd me, dident take it like that at all.. maby my typing is to frustrated.. better now kinda...:cheer:


Yes, my balls tickled from that landing
Charlotte, NC
Ok this morning i go down and replace the plugs that i cleaned and dryed. I tested for sparks one at a time. I got a small fant spark, this looked to be the smallest possable thinner then hair like spark. but they both had the same intencity... i tested this outside with a big innertube blocking the sun and casting a shadow over the hull. so not shure if this is a typical result in that type of sunlight..?

I also pluged one plug into the rear cylender leaving the other one open to see if i could blow any water that may or may not be in there. hit the starter and turned over and ideled alot better than i expected for only running one cylender... only smoke blew out.. removed the rear plug and installed the frount plug and i hit the starter and motor did not run... only the starter was turning the engine over... so looks like my front cylender is out..

when i did these test and pulled the plugs they were wet and dark agen... only after a few seconds...

after all that i desided to installed both pluges and attached the MSD boot to only the rear cylender, simeler to the first test but with the other hole was pluged by teh spark... and it did the same thing, turned over and ideled just fine.. Then i removed the rear boot and installed the front boot and engine would not turn over...

Then i installed both boots, hit the start and both cylenders seemed to be fireing... the sound was alot different which is extremly odd?

still have not checked compression, i'll try and get the tool today...

Not shure what this all indicates but i'm preatty shure it points out teh porblem somehow?

thanks for the feedback


Yes, my balls tickled from that landing
Charlotte, NC
trying to get a tool, all the autozones near me dont have a lend program... :(

is it worth spending $25 to test the cylenders? not shure if this is something i will need to do more then once?? and if its worth buying?


truely it is a tool you should buy if it's in your budget. you will use it again i promise.

and get an ohm meter.
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LKN Freestyle Militia
Lake norman, nc
grifnasty said:
i know this is a dume question, but is there a way to check for water in the gas? and is there a way i can get it out w/o dumping thte 4gals of 93Octain and BeNoil thats left in the take...

i know water is heaver than gass so it sits on the bottom of the take.. so gow can i dump just the bottom? Also how the hell could water get in the tank? all lines are zip tied to the fittings and my gas cap is on preatty hard?.. Oh well... thanks CoreyLKN... BTW there do you ride? i'm around Marker D6

I just got all the gas out on my ski. Dont know if there is another way.
I ride around govenors island mainly.


Yes, my balls tickled from that landing
Charlotte, NC
Ok i got 165 in teh rear cylender and 160 in the Front.

my pluges are wet/dirty

What pluges do you guys recomend for my spec engine.

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Waste Land

Non Multa Sed Multum
Florence, AL
grifnasty said:
Ok i got 165 in teh read cylender and 160 in the Front.

my pluges are wet/dirty

What pluges do you guys recomend for my spec engine.



So compression is testing out.....You have equal spark.....

Carbs...and if they are both good then its time to pull the motor


Yes, my balls tickled from that landing
Charlotte, NC
the spark pluge i'm running are NGK BR8EIX.. do you know if that other pluge is better? and where can i find them?

What do i need to look of when i pull teh moter?

going to take the ome meter to the ingition coil/wires

br8eix is an iridium plug. i just tried a set for the first time yesterday and wasnt completely impressed. it seemed boggy with just the slightest bit of idling when i pinned the throttle. after it cleared out, it may have been better than usual but it was hard to tell. im not sure what the gapping should be at.

br8es is whats called for. i normally use b8es without any problems.

always change your plugs when in doubt. just because you get a spark with the plug in the open, it doesnt mean youre getting adequate spark under heat, pressure and RPMs


Yes, my balls tickled from that landing
Charlotte, NC
ok got the new plugs in i stuck with the BR8EIX plugs since i dident get to much feedback..

anyhow, nowthing has changed...

going to open my Ebox and check the Coil for a loose wire...

for some reason that frount cylender wont stay fireing... it will randomly fire every once in awile... ?


thanks for getting me this far, and all the fast replys make me feel like your in the shop with me working on in... :)

PS: i just broke 100 post mark... :) off for the 1000...


wannabe backflipper
gold coast
i have found that when you wet the irruidium plugs that they never come back right
i am with slsurf
try a new set of plugs
Why are we talking about pulling the engine ?
it has comression so it doesnt have a bent rod

Put a new set br8es in it take it for a run and see if its ok
other than that pull the carbs make sure you dont have water behind the diaphram holding the n/s open
generally blow them out replace the fuel and enjoy

Oh anothing to check is also the front cover is this doesnt fix the issue but thats a long shot
the spark you are getting sounds about right for a superjet ignition system


sounds like it may be just bad plug wires. Take the boots off and cut about 1/4" off the ends and reinstall the boots and try it again. The stock plug wires on superjets can break causing weak or no spark.


Yes, my balls tickled from that landing
Charlotte, NC
I replace teh pluges when out for about a min. and that did not help.. i'm 100% convenced its nothiing electerical i'v dont all types of test... pulled the Ebox and everything...

I'm not using stock ingition wires.. check teh first post of the mods i'm running...

I'm still trying to figure out why i sould pull the engine since i haev a good 165psi in the cylenders????

I'm dumping gass stright down teh carb throught... doesent this bypass all the carb;s innrer workings and shouldent it fire up???
Well i tryed this and the frount cylender is still not fireing... but the rear one does..

so i'm 100% lost of what i should do next?
any imput would be super... :)

thaks for your time, and ask me a question if your confused on what i have done so far to toruble shoot it.... but i'd tryed to list everything that i did and the results....


i'm using the BR8EIX pluges as thats what was in my system when i bought it.. they were $8 comapred to teh $3 br8es... like i say 100% convinced its nothing eleterical..
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