Nose Stabs


Other Administrator
Staff member
South Florida
Would someone please explain how to do this and what NOT to do?

I can get over the fear if I'm slightly informed.....Thanks
I assume you're doing stabs on flatwater. For just starting out, start an s turn and and midway through the s hammer the throttle, put your face over the gas cap and yank the bars as hard and fast as you can. Its full committment, any hesitation will limit your 180 and make you flat land.

on surf its a lot easier. This was a really small wave on a crappy day but its the only sequence i have of myself...


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High on jetskis.
few things ive learned in the surf.
a little turn before just to get the ski on edge helps to get the rotation.
COMMIT! you gotta go for it!
wave angle to speed is important. dont go too fast before giving the last brap.
steep waves take more power to make the 180.
jump,turn,tuck,land, THEN stand. if you stand before hitting the water the ski wont sub and land flat. last weekend i didnt realise my airtime and stood up too soon, didnt break the surface and i collaped onto the top of the handpole. if i didnt have a helmet i woulda been out cold FOR SURE! it still hurt bad..
amazing what you can ride out of if you just stay planted.
take your front foot and put it in the water behind the ski to get out of the tailstand that happens when landing.
keeping both feet in the straps is what ive been really trying to do.


Other Administrator
Staff member
South Florida
Thanks guys but I did mean flatwater. Do I have to do it off a wake? Does trying to do a barrel roll and only making it halfway count as a nose stab?
crank the bars with power off the wake you made or just flat throw yourslef forward and to which ever way your stabbing up to the bars and pull the feet with it
real quick motion but gets you at the center point of the ski and you can really whip the back end around
haha thats the second time ive been recognized for the stab
that is the way i used to do it im not sure which is the right way...i just learned how to throw my body into the bars at my waist and pull real hard with my feet

that is off boat wake btw...the avatar
here is my avatar pic and one of mark coopers flat stab i like that form he has its a real nice stab
ive been doin my like that since ive seen it like he does it (pole at the gut while pulling hard with feet


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New York Crew
Western New York
Thanks guys but I did mean flatwater. Do I have to do it off a wake? Does trying to do a barrel roll and only making it halfway count as a nose stab?

no you don't have to do it off a wake...

most of my BR attempts come up short... and i only make it half way around... it really is not a nose stab as much as it turns out to be an inverted sub. still pretty damn cool though... entering the water nose first completely upside down.


This Is The Way
Staff member
crank the bars with power off the wake you made or just flat throw yourslef forward and to which ever way your stabbing up to the bars and pull the feet with it
real quick motion but gets you at the center point of the ski and you can really whip the back end around

Once you get this down work on pre-hopping to get more air/rotation. I found its easier to do them off of boat waves first then your setup wave because you can just cruise at a boat wake versus worrying about having to create one. As your coming at the wave give a little hop (slightly turned in the opposite direction) so you land right into the face of the wave (almost like you are slamming into the wave) as soon as you touch down slam the steering to full lock and grab a handfull of throttle (WFO) lean forward and over and pull your feet up, as you enter the water give it another quick brap to send it home.

Here are a couple pics of me learning, I have the motion I need to go a little faster, tuck a lot more and commit!
First one is off flat water, second off a boat wake and last is a little roller.


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X-cellent Smithers!

Start small,try for 3/4 of the 180. (advanced a little) Flash told me about to use white water.You can push down on bars or try and get chin over bow on take off and pull feet to butt.


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Rick James Edition
Music City, TN
Inverted barrel rolls are called bronco's. Stoyer explains "how to" very well in his video for beginers. The more air he gets, the more it starts looking like huge nose stabs.


I wish I had a million $
Toronto, Canada
I can do the jump,turn, but can't seem bring the noise down and stab, i've got a few 180 out of them but can't seems to get my head over the gas ??!!?...i tried a hammer throtle and lost the ski completley ( won't be doing that again ) ...i'm installing footholds during winter and hopefully it helps bringing the back up
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